
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program...

Today I thought I'd mix things up and introduce you to who I affectiontely refer to as my "work BFF", Katelyn.  Katelyn came to work in my department a few years ago fresh out of college.  I would have never thought this this young whippersnapper (could I make myself sound any more like a SENIOR CITIZEN?!) and I would have enough in common to be able to work together, much less be friends.  But you know, despite our differences, she has become one of my best friends.  She was the very first person to know we were adopting and she got a front row seat for the craziness that surrounded that decision (and still does). I love this girl even when we are getting on each others' nerves and there are many young people who could learn a LOT about making their way in the world from her. 

So, here she is...Katelyn B...

Hello “Just Haven’t Met You Yet” readers! This is my very first guest blog post! I’m Katelyn, blogger at “On Repeat” and Sandra’s work friend. Sandra originally introduced me to blogging – and Google Reader – so I have a lot to thank her for {and a lot of time wasted because of her!}. Here’s my take on the faqs she sent me:

Hometown: Rittman, Ohio. If you know where that is, holler at me! It is an incredibly small town in the Midwest. Picture it: everyone knows everyone and their business. I knew I wanted to get to a big(ger) city for school, so I escaped to Ohio University, in Athens. {We’re the number 1 party school in the country, not to be confused with that other school in Ohio where they cheat at sports J} Then, I knew that wasn’t big enough and made my way to the South immediately after graduation.

Current Home: Nashville! Specifically Sylvan Park. West Side represent. I love my neighborhood.

Meaning Behind Blog Name: I am a creature of habit. When I love something I LOVE it. So, I tend to “repeat” a lot of my favorite things. Same thing for lunch every day, throw my fav songs “on repeat”, etc. You get the drift. I think of my blog tagline as “If it’s good, play it again”.

Current Job: Communications Coordinator. I went to school for Public Relations, but have a love for interviews, design and the benefits of working for a well-respected company, which sums up what I do now. I like my job.

Dream Job: I don’t know! I’m in that quarter-life-crisis stage where I’m thinking a lot about my future, but not making any decisions. I’ll report back when I figure it out.

If I could travel Anywhere: Israel. I spent time in Egypt in 2009, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I’d love to go back to the Middle East. Or Mexico. I enjoy the language, food, drink and laid back attitude of our friends below the border. Arriba!

Something Unique about You: I’m a vegetarian! I have been super pro-animal all my life. {Like, having to leave the classroom in 5th grade when Mrs. Berry was showing a movie that involved a wolf fight. I should have known then.} I gave up all meat 8 months ago after reading, “Eating Animals”. I don’t know if I will be strictly veg-only forever, but for now it’s a choice I feel good about. You’ll have to ask my boyfriend how he feels about it! Ha!

Thanks for having me, Sandra! It was super fun, and I’m glad my first guest blog could be here!

And that's Katelyn!  I'd encourage you to hop over to her blog.  It's witty and very Katelyn.  Please be advised that I totally plagiarized these questions for KB from another blog.  :)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program....

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