They say it comes in threes...
Then, last Tuesday, we get home, go to the mailbox and rip open an official looking letter from the Franklin Municipal Court. Much to our surprise, the letter indicates that we have 'failed to appear' for a court date on June 3 for a parking citation. We can either come to our rescheduled court date or pay the ticket fee, FTA fee and court fees for a grand total of $278. We had no idea when either of us would have gotten a parking ticket. We don't even go anywhere that would have a illegal parking area and being the daughter of a cop, I don't park illegally!
Anyway, after several phone calls, a trip to the Franklin records department, a copy of the ticket and a trip to the Franklin Police department, we found out that the tags on Steve's truck did not match the tag number on is registration. Apparently someone had stolen our tags and replaced them with a tag that did not belong to us. So, Friday, we had to come home, call the local police, have them come out and file a report. The cop was nice. Ran the tag that was actually ON our vehicle and low and behold, it came out on the stolen tags report AND belonging to our neighbors! Now, don't misunderstand me...our neighbors did not take our tags. Apparently, someone went to their car first, took off their tags, then took ours, replaced them with our neighbors and then apparently, put our tags on their white Chevy trailblazer. The cop said the people who do this swap up plates they figure in order to throw off the cops, but it obviously doesn't work.
But of course, the officer removed 'our' tag and returned it (not sure why) to our neighbor and told us not to drive the truck until we go this all 'resolved'. Today, we went to the PD to get a copy of the police report (to the tune of $10 for 3 pages) and tomorrow I'll have to call the registration department to see how to get a temporary or replacement tag. Then we'll have to figure out a way to get there and get it. And THEN, we have to call the court and request a court date (sooner than our rescheduled one), present all this to the judge to have our record cleared.
How's THAT for a story?!
As for my birthday, it was rather uneventful, but that isn't a bad thing. I had dinner with my family and then this past weekend, I went shopping with the money I got from my brother and Steve (since he couldn't shop). I got a couple of books, Walking with God and Praying God's Word (thanks for the recommendations Leigh Ann!). Anyway, all in all, it was a good day and being 34 feels no different from being 33.
I guess that's about it. Our days are filled from daylight until dark. Steve's still unable to drive, so for the most part, we are commuting to work together every day. Several days a week, he has some type of doctor's appointment or physical therapy so we are late getting home. By the time we get baths/showers and dinner (even if I don't have to cook), it's time for bed. I'm just exhausted alot, but that's par for the course and eventually it will get better (I think!).
We are looking forward to the cruise. And I'm going to see my girlfriend, Carrie, in a couple weeks and we are staying at the beach for 3 days with our girls. I cannot wait to just sit and not worry/think about anything. You have no idea how much I need this.
That's about it for now. I might actually get in bed before 11pm!
Thanks for all your well wishes today. Really made my birthday special considering all that's been going on.
I hope 34 is as good as the years past!
7 year check-up...
Friday, I took off and one thing I had to do was to take Jenna to her 7 year old check up with 'Dr. Mary'. Due to me being so busy, I hadn't had time to really think of many questions. But all in all, Jenna is perfect (but we already knew this!) She is 45 inches tall and 49 pounds. She is apparently going to be vertically challenged like her mother. Her height in is the 20-25th %ile and weight 50th. At this rate, they estimate she'll be about 5ft. 2in. I'm exactly 5 ft. 2 in.
Her blood pressure, temperature and pulse were all normal. She has 20/15 eyesight in one eye and 20/20 in the other. I'm praying that stays the way it is (unlike her blind mother!). She was not even slightly anemic and they even checked her blood sugar and urine for ketones just to be sure she isn't following in her daddy's footsteps with juvenile diabetes. So far, those are all perfect...thank God. She gave us some samples of Xyzal which is the new allergy medicine. However, after 2 nights, I'm thinking OTC Zyrtec might work just as well. All in all, she's a healthy little girl.
We agreed to allow her to have a friend from school/camp over last night. I don't know what I was thinking but having two girls to take care of (in addition to Steve) is tough! We spent a good part of the afternoon outside with them and then they stayed up late last night. All that would have been fine, but then Gracie woke up in the middle of the night crying and wanting to go home. I managed to talk her in to sleeping until first thing this morning and of course, by then, she wanted to stay. All that to say, I didn't get hardly any sleep last night. We got up early this morning, took Jenna to horseback riding lessons, came back, the girls changed into their bathing suits, went to the rec center to swim a couple hours and then home to change into dry clothes and then to take Gracie to meet her mom. I met the sweet blessing that provided us food tonight at the church after that and then headed home.
Tonight, Rachel and her family invited us over. Rachel treated me to a mani/pedi (the first in I don't know how long!) as an early birthday present. Steve and Jenna hung out with David and Hannah while we relaxed and boy was I relaxed! The next best thing to this is scrapbooking with Rachel! Ahhh...a perfect birthday! I don't know how she does it, but that girl knows how to treat a girl! After our relaxing mani/pedi, we ate grilled out hamburgers at their house. And of course, that too, hit the spot! I love all the meals provided by our friends. It is so helpful, but having a good old-fashioned hamburger on the grill really topped the night off.
However, all good things must come to an end, and this was no exception. We got home in just enough time for me to clean the kitchen, feed the dogs, Jenna get a bath, sort and throw in a load of laundry, fold and put away towels and sit down to blog. I'm about to put in a second load. Tomorrow, Steve wants to try to get to church, so it will be early to rise and tomorrow night, I will finish the laundry and prepare for Monday.
I'm so tired now I can barely keep my eyes open. So I'm not going to try anymore. My allergies really acted up today, so I'm going to sleep well tonight.
I'm still working on my "Things I've learned" post...maybe I can find time to get that up tomorrow.
We're cruising!!! (I think!)
Today, we got a call that Steve's manager and HR contact stated they were both fine with us continuing on with the cruise. Before getting a final FINAL answer, they want to wait for one of the company's owners to come back and give his blessing. No one anticipates any issues, but you know we won't breath easier until we get the final go ahead.
Steve did well today. I think the better he feels, the longer the days seem when I go to work. I'll work tomorrow from 9-3 and then I'm off on Friday for Jenna's annual physical and some other appts. for Steve. :) Jenna is having a friend (Gracie) come spend the night Friday night so she'll have something to do this weekend. Other than that and straightening up this messy house, we hope to enjoy the weekend.
I'll definitely update you after our appointments on Friday.
Doctor Appointment
In a nutshell, Steve's doing well. Better than expected really. They were surprised he was on a cane already.
A couple things we covered with the doctor...
- Steve's experienced some numbness and tingling in his toes on his right foot. It is getting better day by day. Is this normal and if so, when will this go away? This could be a result of his blood sugar running so high. As his pain decreases, his blood sugar comes back into line, we should see this improve and go away completely.
- How much longer does Steve have to wear his TEDs? (these are tight stocking like hose that help circulation and prevent blood clots in the legs.) He can stop wearing these now. He's up and around enough that they are no longer necessary.
- When can Steve start driving? As soon as he's off the pain medication.
- Speaking of pain medicine...we are almost out of what we have...now what? Because he isn't taking as many of the current pain meds as he is allowed, he can graduate to a lower dose medication. This should still take care of the pain but without the drowsiness.
- Will he be able to go back to the bowling league in the fall? Maybe...we'll see when the time comes.
- Having more pain in the inner groin/thigh area than the hip. Is this normal and when should subside? This is normal...should improve with time.
- When can Steve go back to work? Whenever he feels he can tolerate working. This one is a biggie because of the financial burden his not working is causing. He's going crazy sitting at home too. So, the doctor wrote him a back-to-work note for Monday, June 23 as tolerated. This is good news and Steve is pretty excited. Funny how you so often dread going to work each day until you can't go and then you really miss it!
All in all, the visit was a good one. We go back in 1 month for another check. He'll need to stay on his cane and pain meds as long as he feels he needs them. We stopped by his work today and everyone just went on and on about how they can't believe how well he's doing. He will have been off 2 weeks and 1 day since his surgery when he returns to work. Of course, we aren't sure whether he can do a whole day yet. He might find that he's nowhere near ready. Just pray that he is. Poor guy is getting depressed just sitting at home all day, especially when I'm back to work.
OK, that's it for now. I have another post coming soon...about the things I've learned through this process.
Happy 7th Birthday and Father's Day!
First of all, it was Father's Day and Steve felt well enough to go visit both my dad and his dad. Micah and Gage came to Jenna's birthday lunch/dinner yesterday (more on that below) and then spent the night with us, so that was nice. Chase came to Steve's parent's house today, so he got to see him. It was a good day and I know Steve was glad that he got to see both our dads and knowing what Steve's been through, they were glad to see him.
So, Friday night Jenna was supposed to have a sleepover with her girl friends for her birthday. However, with everything that's gone on, we had to defer it until later. We did go ahead with our family birthday lunch/dinner at Pie In the Sky Pizza on Saturday afternoon. We had a good turnout and Jenna got quite a few cute things. I have pictures, but they aren't going to get uploaded tonight.
Another exciting event is that Rachel and her family are home from Disney! I am so excited! They came by tonight to give Jenna her birthday present and brought us dinner. It was so nice to have dinner provided and to have some time to just relax. David sat upstairs with Steve and talked and Rachel and I sat outside on the swing and watched the girls swim and play. It was just a wonderful relaxing evening.
Tomorrow, I will go to work from 9-3. We'll try this shortened work day schedule this week and hopefully next week I'll be back full time. Tuesday is our visit with the surgeon and while I'm excited to hear him say how Steve's doing, I'm nervous too...
I'm running out of time tonight, but I'll post some pics soon.
A better day...
While I was out, I picked up a pretty nifty cane. Steve liked it and found using is was way easier than the walker. He's been up and down the stairs a couple times with it, even ate lunch downstairs! That was pretty cool. He did not get out at all today, but I did a bunch of stuff. Even got a temporary handicap tag for the car. That will be helpful for a while if I can remember to park in the handicap spaces. And just for clarification, I don't park there if I'm alone. I just don't feel right about it.
Anyway, seems like I got most of my stuff done and I think Steve was pleased that he survived a couple hours alone. Plus, with the cane, he feels like he has more freedom. He had a really bad night for pain, but it's because he's waiting to take his pills when he's REALLY hurting. Today, he's taken one about every 6 hours and that seems to work fine.
I guess that's about it. Tomorrow we are doing Jenna's birthday lunch at 2pm at Pie in the Sky. We had to cancel her sleepover tonight, but we'll do it another time. She's cool. I still have to wrap her gifts for Sunday (which is her real birthday).
I'm going to relax now. That is, if I can remember how. :)
Steve continues to recover as expected. The lab folks came today and all his vitals continue to be normal. The physical therapist came by today and taught him several new exercises to do here at home. Next Tuesday is our follow up with the orthopedic surgeon. At that point, they are expecting Steve to be graduated from a walker to a cane. We are getting a little differing opinion on when he could expect to a) go back to work, b) graduate from a cane to two legs, c) drive and d) get back to normal pre-op life. What we've discovered through all this is that this is a day-by-day process. There is no 'pat' answer. It might be 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 6 months before things go back to normal.
Of course, that is in and of itself terribly frustrating for all of us. I have realized that I am very much a control freak. I like to plan and organize and know what is going to happen in the next hour, day, week, month. And this has been a learning experience for me.
The days are long for everyone. Steve can't do much more than walk the halls with his walker. I spend most all day running up and down the stairs to fetch whatever is needed for Steve and Jenna if she is home. My only respite is the few hours a day I can get out to take her to camp (she's gone two days this week) or to the grocery store for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind caring for Steve. I love him and want to take care of him, but it's hard on a person. I do at least 50-60 trips up and down the stairs. I know it makes him feel bad to see me working so hard for him and Jenna, but it's just the way it is. I generally get up with Jenna (7:30ish) and then am usually up until 10:30 when I finally collapse into bed.
Today was a fairly good day. Steve was really wanting to get out of the house, so while Jenna was at camp, we went to Target to do her birthday shopping (which reminds me, I have to find some time to wrap her gifts...ran out of time today!). Steve rode the little electric wheelchair thingy which I think he enjoyed. He was smiling some and that is a nice change. You don't realize how much you miss someone's smile until you don't see it for a while. Of course, we were out a couple hours and he paid for it tonight. He's trying not to take pain meds every 3-4 hours, and he is frustrated when he has to. But night time seems to be the worst for pain. He sleeps fairly well after 2 pain pills before bed and usually he's good up until lunch without medication. So, really, he's doing well. He just wants to do better than 'well' and I understand that.
So that's the story with us. On another note, I was able to talk with Rachel tonight. Remember, they are in the world of magic, Disney, and tomorrow is their last day. I can't believe the week has gone by so quickly! They are having one heck of a time and I even was able to look at her pictures online. Oh, they brought back memories of our Disney trip 2 years ago! While I know they are having the best time, I cannot wait for them to come back. I have missed her so much. Of course, bless her, she picked the right week to go. Had she been here, she would have been my shoulder to cry on all week long and those are big shoes to fill! When she gets back on Saturday, I will hopefully be in a better frame of mind.
I will say that as awful as this sounds, my day was less stressful today with Jenna at camp. I guess it's only that way because I cut my duties in 1/2 when I just have to care for Steve. Tomorrow I'm taking her to camp early, then hopefully can sneak into work and do a couple things that HAVE to be done. And because I'm out on FMLA, I'm claiming that I'm doing personal stuff. :) Plus, I have to drop off Steve's FMLA/STD paperwork and some card at his work. I have to pick up the temporary handicap tag from the doctor and if I'm really good get it by the driving place and then maybe find a cane for Steve. I have to do all this and try to get back before the physical therapist comes at 2pm.
Monday, I'll try to do a 9-3 workday. Tuesday is his appointment, so I'm off. I'll work 9-3 Wednesday-Thursday (if all goes well Monday) and then off Friday. Then hopefully the week after, I'll do either 9-3 or go back to regular hours all together. There again...it's a day-by-day thing. :)
OK, I realize I'm rambling because I'm about to fall out. I'm headed to bed now. A whole 30 minutes early! YAY!
Thanks to all of you for offers of food and help! I have to give a shout out to my friend Kim up in the NJ/NY area. She's a "mama" I met online and we've been friend for about 2 years (has it been that long?!) She's sending dinner next week! From hundreds of miles away! I think that's the coolest thing! Plus, my sweet Bible study ladies and my SS class are trying to fill in next week some as well. I can't tell you what a load this takes off me not having to worry about cooking dinner.
OK, that's really it. More later when I'm coherent!
He wanted me to go to drop Jenna off at camp, so I did that, ran by work to pick up my bills so I could pay them (begin STRESS!) and then drop our FMLA paperwork off at the doctor's office. I did it all in record time. Steve wanted some sweet tea, so I stopped by Publix go that and then ordered Jenna's birthday cake at the same time. Got home, fixed us lunch and helped Steve get in the shower. He then felt well enough to ride with me to pick Jenna up from camp.
But of course, he paid for it dearly when we got home. He's in bed resting and I'm straightening up the house and finishing the laundry. Jenna's starving so I'm about to head downstairs to see what is in the pantry/freezer to fix that doesn't take forever. I tried to do frozen pizza, but Jenna and I had that for lunch yesterday.
By the way, I happened to be at work during WW, so I went over and weighed in. I lost 4.6 pounds! And I think it all has to do with Subway! Centennial has a Subway (and DQ) in their cafeteria and I ate that just about every meal. Jared is seriously on to something!
OK, Jenna's starving and the laundry is stopping, so I have to put another load in and get busy. Keep those prayers coming.
Home Sweet Home!
I think we finally rolled in about 8:30 last night. We had to stop and meet my sister to get the walkers Steve will need and then at a pharmacy to get his prescriptions filled. Our neighbors, Aimee and Tim were here to greet us and help me carry in all our 'stuff'.
Steve slept better than he did at the hospital, but he just doesn't sleep well on his back and right now, that's his only choice.
We woke up this morning about 7am and checked his blood sugar and things and then he is back down to rest. I had so many things running through my mind that I figured I'd better get up and start writing down everything that has to be done.
I am fighting the desire to list them all here, but suffice it to say, I have a full day/s ahead of me. I have to get both of our FMLA paperwork filled out and some birthday presents bought for Jenna's birthday which is in 5 days! And that's just the beginning. So I'd better get started!
Jenna wants to go to camp today as it's swim day and I think Steve really wants me to take her and get her back in some semblance of a routine. I need to stop by work and get our bills so I can pay them here.
Home health should be calling soon to get us started with home services. I want to stay here until they at least call...but I don't know what will happen.
I just talked to my good friend Rachel and they are enjoying Disney like you wouldn't believe. She said it's hot as heck, but that can't spoil their fun! I can't wait to see their pictures!
OK, off to start my "to-do" list.
Going home!!!!
Anyway, he's right now writing the orders for us to be discharged. YEEHAW! I have so much to get together here because we've accumulated quite a bit.
But we are headed home, not to inpatient rehab! We are really happy with Dr. Chenger. Right now, we are thrilled with him. :)
There's a lot to do right now. I have several phone calls to make, so I'll be online later.
We are so excited!
Homeward bound-
Sandra, Steve and Jenna Grace.
Becoming a permanent resident of CMC...
We are still waiting for the doctor to make his rounds. So, we are still here at CMC. I will post as soon as we get the order to go...that is, IF we get the order to go. It will most likely be 8-9pm before we actually get home if they do let us go tonight. And we are still unsure as to whether home or inpatient rehab is our destination.
JG has been marvelous today given the situation. When/if you see her, be sure and tell her what a good girl she's been through this ordeal. Just don't ask her about when Steve fell because she's got a story and it's a long one! :)
More as we know it...
Still here...
Wish I could say this is not frustrating, but it is. We are all so ready to go home. Hopefully it will be soon. Only a few more business hours left in the day, so it has to be pretty soon. We've all had lunch, Steve is resting, I'm working on the PC and JG is coloring. I can't imagine we'd have to stay the night again...not sure I can spend another day/night in this hospital room!
More to come...
Still waiting...
Steve had a really good night last night. He slept probably 13 hours with just 2 interruptions from the nurses. Jenna and I stayed up here and it didn't turn out to be as disastrous as it could have. I decided not to take her to camp today because it would be a lot of driving to drop her off, come back here, take Steve home and then have to leave him alone to come back and get her. Of course, none of that transpired, so it didn't matter anyway.
I've had several offers of help for dinners and I am thrilled. The thought of having to cook is almost overwhelming right now. I will let everyone know when we are ready to accept those. I will somehow have to coordinate because there is a variety of groups wanting to help right now. Just remember, even though Steve is diabetic, he eats REGULAR food. Please don't bring us sugar free or special recipes...it's alot of trouble to do that and Steve can eat what we all do. Just trust me on this. :)
My Sunday School class asked me what they can do to help us right now. The immediate answer from Steve was "pay our bills"! But in seriousness, what he meant was to pray for both of our peace of mind but especially his. He's feeling helpless and guilty that he's added stress (physical, financial etc.) to us. He's worried that he's going to lose his job with this happening right on the tail of the kidney stone issue. He's worried that we won't be able to go on our cruise and that Jenna won't understand. Jenna's birthday is Sunday and he's afraid she will be upset that there won't be a party. When you sit in the hospital for days at a time, there's nothing to do but sit and think about the future. We talked yesterday before JG got here and I think that helped ease some of his worry that I wasn't worried, but it's hard not to. So, please just pray for our peace of mind and wisdom in the coming months in dealing with bills and payments that we'll have to make.
Will post more when we know more. I hope this will be soon.
Not today...
We aren't going home today. The 'on call' orthopedist came in and in all of 2 minutes, blew our hopes of a trip home today out of the water. Apparently, the surgeon gave orders for Steve to remain here through the weekend. We'd had hopes since we was doing so well that we could go home today.
Needless to say, we are a little disappointed. We are encouraged though because unless something bad happens (God forbid) tomorrow is the day! Now I have to decide whether to sleep here tonight or go home and what to do with Jenna etc. I'd like to stay here tonight so I can be here in the morning when the surgeon comes in. But then I have to figure out again what to do with Jenna. I have many options on that front because we have had a ton of offers, but I want to be sensitive to her and that she's been away from us alot in the past few days.
I realized yesterday that her birthday is a week from today and we had plans for a slumber party this Friday. Unfortunately, I think we are going to have to forego the slumber party and try for that a different weekend. Either that or have one friend over instead of 3! I am going to be doing nurse and mom duty and adding 3 extra kids is going to be too much. I think she'll understand. I have to find time at some point to go birthday shopping.
OK, I'm rambling. I just wanted to let you all know we are headed home...just not today. :)
Sunday Update
PT hasn't been in today, but Steve got up and walked a lap on his own. He is trying to keep his pain in check, but not being able to move around is hard. We are hoping he can go home tomorrow. No doctor's have been in yet. The nurse from earlier said it was more likely to be driven with how his attending endocrinologist. Great. We aren't a huge fan of this guy either, but since his blood sugars have been really good, then maybe he'll let us go.
I guess that's about it for now. I was finally able to get caught up on my Bible reading this morning. I have so much to say about this experience from a spiritual perspective, but I feel now is not the time as God is still teaching me. That will come.
Just a quick note, my buddy, Rachel and her family are in the "Happiest Place on Earth" right now (obviously, not HERE!)...DISNEY! I know they are having just a magical time! I hope they have a blast!
Steve and I talked last night about whether we would continue on with our paid for cruise. For Steve, the time away from work will have to be taken without pay. But we could probably save just one weeks' worth of pay from our vacation money if needed. The problem is that his STD will only pay 60% while he's recovering, so that's 2-3 weeks, maybe more of short-pay and our bills haven't gone anywhere!! Pray for us on that. I know I'm not supposed to worry, but it is oh-so-hard. And pray for Steve's good spirits. He feels very old and 'defective'.
Love you all...
And the final tally...
WOWEE!!!! At last count, there was exactly $1700 raised for HSP this morning at the Applebee's fundraising breakfast.
I really can't even put into words how humbling this experience was. I would say there was about 150 people. At one point, the place was pretty near full. We had so many volunteers show up but at times, there just weren't enough to keep up with the people. It was a wonderful problem to have!
And the other things is that out of all those guests, I didn't know about 3/4 of them. So, to me, they were strangers...coming to lend a helping hand to someone in need. Stay tuned because I've got a list of volunteers coming. If you know them, I'd like you to thank them next time you see them.
And for those of you are live in the area or might be passing through or visiting the area of Spring Hill, please go by the Applebees near the Publix on Main Street/Hwy 31. Ask for Reggie the manager and tell him you appreciate allowing us in his facility and providing all those pancakes! And then patronize his business by having lunch, dinner or just dessert.
For those that are reading that did make it out...my deepest and most sincerest thanks to you. So many sweet, loving faces...all asking about us and praying for Steve. I love each and every one of you. My Bible study girls...the Abbotts, Shipps, Lamberts and Swords...thank you so much for coming! I can't start naming those that I knew because I'd surely leave someone out, but every one of you are appreciated!
OK, now for a quick update on Steve...I arrived at the hospital today to a totally different man! He was coherent, sitting up in a recliner and looking all around better. Shortly after we got here, they came in to give him a bath (his first since our arrival), so I went with Deanne and Jenna and ate lunch in the Atrium. When I got back, he looked like he was ready to walk out of here! He had on his own clothes and even had his hair and teeth brushed. He did his breathing exercises, ate a great lunch (no nausea!!!) and then took a voluntary walk around the hall. After that, he got in a wheelchair and we went walking downstairs for a change of scenery...so all in all, today seems to be WAY better. Blood sugar level is under control more, fever is gone, appetite is coming back and he's ready to do whatever it takes to get home.
We may be looking at some in-patient rehab, but he might not be eligible for that because he's progressing so well. I'm torn about that idea because while it's probably a great idea being in a rehab place 24/7, that means just more days he's not at home. So, we'll just wait and see.
This is a long journey for us. We have not yet decided whether we will continue on with our vacation in August. I know we are both going to need it but we just don't know about finances. Keep those prayers coming!
We love you all!
Fundraiser breakfast today...
Jenna and I are up after nearly 8 hours of sleep!!! I still feel sluggish, but I'm going to get a Diet Coke and some sugar and think I'll be fine.
We are ready (I think) thanks to my neighbors Aimee and Tim.
I'm hoping to return to the hospital after breakfast to stay with Steve and find him in a lot better condition.
I'll post when I know more. Thanks to all of you in advance for coming and helping with the breakfast!
Hard Day...
Some of the good is that Steve got most of his tubes removed including his morphine drip. He got out of bed and walked the halls twice. The orthopedist came in and said he was progressing well and maybe if it continues, we can go home in a few days.
The bad is that while here and under the influence of morphine, he is personally unable to administer insulin from his pump. We are having to count carbs from his meals and enter them into the pump which will deliver the correct rate of insulin accordingly. This in and of itself is not bad. What is bad is that he is not hungry, therefore what little food he's eating does not allow us to give him any insulin from his pump, regardless of what we would normally do. Not eating and not getting insulin, we are slowly seeing his blood sugars creep up and that makes him nauseated. Which makes him not want to eat. See the pattern?
I stopped off at work today and was chatting with a co-worker about having my "breakdown". As of that time, I had remained strong and been able to control my emotions for Steve and Jenna's sake. But I told her I knew my time was coming and it was going to be a gusher when it came, but I was holding off right now.
Well. The time came this afternoon when I arrived back at the hospital from running some errands and picking JG up from camp. JG and I stopped at the cafeteria downstairs on our way up to get some lunch/dinner. When I arrived in the room, the endocrinologist was here (the one that was sent after I *fired* the internist yesterday). Apparently, while I was gone, they checked his blood sugar and it was a bit high, so he himself decided to give himself insulin. It wasn't alot, but it was enough that it kind of ticked off the doctor, so he told us that we could only allow the pump to deliver the continuous base rate and the nurses would do the rest. Well, I agree that would be best, but Steve didn't think so. Remember, he's on a LOT of pain medicine...so when I made me let ME put the pump back on him (rather than himself), he yelled at me that I was joining up with that doctor etc. Well, that was my breaking point. I left the room sobbing and ever since then, my emotions have been right at the surface.
I guess the main problem was that I had left the hospital earlier, and he was fine (albeit tired and in a little pain). When I came back, he was not himself at all. I did manage to gather myself and as the evening wore on, we found that his pump has come all undone, so no base rate was being delivered. His blood glucose level (BGL) was 388 (normal is in the low 100s), his heart rate was a little high and his temperature was 101.1. But once we figured out the pump was undone, I think we started figuring out what was going on.
My SIL made me leave and I'm home with Jenna ready to go to bed. SIL just called and said Steve was doing better. Fever was breaking. I even talked to him on the phone and he sounded way more coherent. Thank God he didn't have any visitors last night.
OK, more tomorrow.
We're UP!!!
We had a good evening last night, that is, as good as can be had being in the hospital and woken up every 2-3 hours for vitals checks. Other than that, Steve did rest well and experienced no complications.
The new endocrinologist came in this morning and lucky for him, I left my boxing gloves at home last night! He was nice enough, but they are placing some restrictions on us regarding Steve's insulin pump. But as for now, that seems to be working OK, so I'm letting that go. His blood sugar is pretty well under control, so that's good!
The occupational therapist came in this morning and talked to us about what we would be doing when we got home. She got him up and on his walker and sitting in the recliner. Shortly after, the physical therapist came in and got him up and WALKING! He did one lap around the hall and did so well! This PT girl was also a juvenile diabetic for 25 years, so she understands totally what happened to cause this. I really liked her. She put him back in the recliner where he has to stay until lunch. He'll have lunch there, then they'll come back and make him walk again and then they will put him back in bed. His tubes (there are a variety) will most likely come out this afternoon before he goes back to the bed. That will be very good...easier to move around without all these drains and catheteres hanging on you.
We have experienced a literally outpouring of calls, emails, messages, offers to help etc. from friends and church family. I had been ruminating on how to adequating express our thanks to our neighbor who has single-handedly organized the fundraiser breakfast tomorrow. Now, I have expanded that to all those who have extended offers of help. If you've never experienced anything like this before, it's humbling. It's so hard to accept help. You just feel like you can do it all. And I probably could, but it's going to be much easier on me, Jenna and Steve if I just accept some of the help that's offered.
With that said, take heed to my warning...don't offer if you don't REALLY want to help! I might just be taking you up on that!!! :)
Well, I'll post more when I know more. My babygirl is on her way and I can't wait to see her. We still plan on being at the breakfast tomorrow, so see you all there!
Now that I have a few minutes alone, I wanted to thank you all for your thoughts, concerns, visits, calls, voice mails, emails etc. I cannot believe the outpouring of concern. It's more humbling than I can explain. Those of you who have experienced something of this nature understand.
Right now, things are going well. The orthopedic surgeon came by a few minutes ago and said how well everything went. He confirmed that tomorrow, they would have Steve start with PT. He'll be back around to evaluate him tomorrow and probably tell us when to expect to go home. We are looking at Sunday or Monday.
I will tell you that my work has been fabulous in understanding and putting my mind at ease in missing work. I mean, I don't deserve how good they've been to me.
We had a little "altercation" earlier with the internist on staff here. He came in and really started grilling us on why Steve's blood sugar had dropped so low and asked me why I didn't check the level when I saw he was sick. Well...duh...I was more worried about getting his blood sugar back up! And then he asked me how I knew what was happening was from low blood sugar. Double DUH! Because Steve's been diabetic for 40 years, we've been married twelve and in those years, I've dealt with low blood sugar seizures hundreds of times. Our endocrinologist is fully aware and he sees her every other month or so. He left to call our regular doctor who does not admit to Centennial and when he did, I called Steve's endrocrinologist's nurse practitioner who mostly deals with Steve. I actually had her on the phone when he came back in. I immediately told him that I had her on the phone and he wanted to talk with her. He asked me who it was and I said the nurse practioner and he refused to speak with her. He said he would not speak with anyone but the doctor. So, we are standing here, in front of my dear SIL, with the nurse practioner on the phone, Steve in all his pain medicated state pretty much shouting at each other. I don't think I said anything ugly, I kept telling him to talk to the nurse, talk to her and he flat out refused. Then, I simply asked her to hold the line and ask him to leave. He said that I had disrespected him, but he was just flat out rude to me. I probably said, "I need you to leave" about 12 times! Finally he left and on his way out, I told him he should not come back. Steve's blood pressure cuff was going nuts, he was yelling and I was shaking I was so angry.
Anyway, we calmed down and told Mia, our fabulous, wonderful nurse about it and she was just appalled. I got my friends at HCA physician services on the line to find out how to run this up the chain to complain (thanks Lu and VMB...love you girls!) and before I even go the words out, I had the chief medical officer, nurse manager and associate CNO (whose name I actually recognized) in here asking me what went on. Even the surgeon asked me what happened. So, I'm sure we have a HUGE black mark on our file now. But I'm sorry...I think I know how to take care of my husband.
Anyway, I am home now to take a shower and gather clothes. JG is going to spend the night with my SIL and then camp tomorrow. I'll stay at the hospital tonight and maybe work a little tomorrow while Steve is in PT.
I'll keep you updated!
Centennial, Room 6133
For those that are local, we are limiting visitors tonight. If I've already talked to you personally today, then you are clear to come. You know who you are. :)
I think he'll definitely be up for visitors tomorrow. They plan on getting him up and into physical therapy tomorrow. That will be good...well, in the long run...he probably won't like it much!
Thanks again for your prayers and calls.
Update-Surgery is Over
In case you are wondering, when I say "we", I'm referring to my SIL, Deanne who came immediately this morning to keep me company. Have I mentioned how much I love the Taylors?! :)
So, thanks for your prayers. This is the beginning of a long journey for us, but we are up for the trip! We covet your prayers, friendship and support.
Update on Steve...
Jenna and I got up at 5am last night and headed to the hospital. I wanted to get here before the orthopedist came by. I didn't sleep all that well...felt like I was just a little under the subconscious level.
They moved him about 11:00pm into a holding unit as there apparently were no rooms available. The orthopedist came in about 7:20 and told us that the ball of the ball and socket hip combo is broken clean in half and displaced to the side. This proves challenging to repair because the bone that holds the ball provides the blood, nutrients and marrow. They can move the ball back onto the bone and secure it with a pin, however, due to the nature of the break, there is about a 70-80% chance that it would not heal properly and they'd have to go back in a year or less to do a hip replacement. Think of a severed limb. When reattaching the limb, they have to get all the blood vessels, muscles and ligaments reattached. And occasionally, the reattachment doesn't work and the limb has to be amputated. It's the same way here. If they reattach the ball and it doesn't heal, we'll have to take it out and put a new one in there.
With this option, Steve would be out of work for 3-4 weeks most likely and then on crutches (non-weight bearing) for 3 months. They would continue to watch the hip and if the pain didn't go away, they'd consider the hip replacement.
The alternate procedure is to do a hip replacement now. You are back on your feet in about 3 days, and starting therapy the day after. Still off from work for 2 weeks or so, but by the time he'd just be getting off the crutches with option 1, he'd be almost completely healed with the replacement.
We talked with our physical therpist neighbor, Tim, and he agreed that the best decision was the hip replacement. Amazingly, they had a cancellation this morning and took him back to surgery about 8:15. As soon as they did, I took Jenna to camp and ran by work to pick up some stuff to do and now I'm here waiting. The surgery will probably take until after lunch and then it will be late this afternoon before he gets in a room. He'll be here at least 3 days. Jenna and I are probably going to sleep at home tonight and try to keep her in some semblance of routine.
The fundraiser breakfast is still on for Saturday...we need you more than ever! Thanks for all your kind comments...they are such a comfort and strenght to me.
How do you start a post like this? I'm not sure, so I'll just jump right in.
Tonight, while I was driving home from work (I was running about an hour behind due to working late), Steve called me. Apparently, one of those companies that sell meat had stopped by the house and was trying to get him to buy steaks. He kept asking me how far away from the house I was and I couldn't tell whether he wanted me to say we didn't want any (to be the bad guy) or if he just was making conversation.
I took the long way home to give time for the meat guy to leave the house. When I got near, I could see their van still there, so I was just going to drive by until they left. But then I saw several men carrying something that appeared to be heavy over to our swing. At first, I thought Steve had bought some freezer full of steaks, but that's when I realized the heavy thing they were carrying was STEVE!
I knew immediately what was going on. Steve had experienced a sudden drop in his blood sugar and had gone unconscious. I got in the driveway, got Jenna off the phone with 9-1-1 (yes, she called and like a big girl, told them all what was wrong. Once I got there, I canceled them as I could take care of the situation). Anyway, when Steve "went out", he collapsed in the street (i.e. on the concrete). Thank God our neighbors were outside. Tim is a physical therapist and twice (if not three times) Steve's size. Between him and the two meat guys, they got Steve to the swing where I brought him around with some Coke. Tim was telling me that he saw Steve fall and he'd hit pretty hard so that I needed to check his hips and elbows when he felt better just in case.
When Steve came to, we were going to go inside and check his appendages for damage. But when he got up and put weight on his right leg, he screamed out in pain and nearly collapsed. Tim and his wife, Aimee (she's the one organizing the fundraising breakfast this Saturday, God bless her) who is a nurse, came over and between the three of us managed to get Steve into the van. To say he was in excruciating pain would be an understatement. However, we made it to Centennial without incident.
They did an x-ray in the ER and we found that Steve has broken his right hip. (insert HUGE sigh here). They admitted him tonight and the on-call orthopedist will be in tomorrow morning to talk about surgery to insert a plate/pin to repair. There's no telling how long this will take to heal and he already exhausted his paid time off at work. So we are looking at a number of days/weeks/months? with him out of work and no pay. Not to mention the cost of the doctor bills on top of the 4 surgeries for kidney stones last month.
So, thus brings us to the "urgent prayer request" title. Pray for us. I'm going to be a single mother again for some time. And where our budget was already stretched tight, we are looking to be stretched even tighter with potentially no pay for however many weeks he has to be out. And sadly, his new company doesn't seem all that interested in their employee's personal lives, so little or no chance that he will get any help from them. I have worried since I knew we were headed to the hospital.
Just pray that God's peace will surround us both. I am just going to have to trust God to provide. It's just hard to do. Worry is what I do. And pray for Jenna. She's REALLY freaked out about this. Hearing Steve cry out in pain so much and then having to leave him at the hospital had her sobbing her eyes out most of the night. So just remember us.
OK, I have several emails to send out and need to get Jenna's stuff ready for camp tomorrow. I'll try to make it up with her in the AM to get to the hospital before the orthopedist comes in and give her a chance to see him before she heads off. It's swim day so that will take her mind off stuff. Ideally, they'll do surgery tomorrow and maybe we'll go home by Friday? I don't know right now, but I'll post as soon as I do.
I have to go now. The adrenaline I've been on for the past several hours is gone and it's all I can do to keep my eyes open.
Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate every one of you.
Weight Watchers
So, send me positive vibes when you think about me. I can do this. I deserve to do this. I just can't let Satan get hold of me and he's trying very hard.
A call for volunteers
Let me know if you can help.
Oh and check out Sunday's Williamson AM and Friday's Tennessean.
And if anyone has been to Virginia Beach and know of a good place to stay, let me know.
12 Years Ago...
So, since 12 years isn't a really "big" year to celebrate, below are pictures of what we got one another for our anniversary.

Yes, that is a water cooler and landscape stones. Instead of buying each other something, we bought two things together for the house. We already had a water cooler, but we've been renting it from Crystal Springs for years. I mean like 6 years. I figured it wouldn't take us long to make it worth just buying our own. We found the exact one above at Target on clearance. It was $60. Can't beat that.
The landscaping stones were something Steve really wanted to do this year and we got them at Home Depot on sale for $.99. I can't believe how much better the front of the house looks with them there. So, all in all, we had a good day.
I think I haven't posted about my weight loss in a while. I lost 1.2 lbs last week during weigh in, so I'm now back to 17.6lbs total. I'm definitely slowing down. I went shopping today and tried on some skirts. Let's just say if there was a thought in my head that I look just fine the way I am now, then those thoughts are long gone. I tried on a few skirts and was so frustrated and ticked off by the time I was done, I knew I wanted to lose more weight. UGH!
Jenna news...her bottom tooth is coming in, but if you've been following the blog closely, you'll realize I haven't posted about her losing her first tooth because she hasn't! The permanent tooth is coming in behind the baby tooth. I almost freaked out, but called the dentist and she said it's perfectly normal. And more may happen this way. That's been a couple weeks ago and the baby tooth isn't very loose at all. I'm going to wait until the permanent tooth comes in a little more and then take her in for a visit.
So, I finally found something to do with that Delta voucher I was trying to get rid of. I am taking Jenna and flying to Richmond in July for a long weekend. My best friend from 6th grade, Carrie, lives in Richmond. She is bringing her daughter and picking us up and we're driving to Virginia Beach for a long weekend. I don't think I've seen Carrie in nearly 20 years, so we are pretty excited.
Oh and for you Spring Hill-ians, don't forget next Saturday is the fundraising breakfast for HSP. If you have a chance, stop by for some pancakes and sausage between 7-9am. And if you are really inclined, take a drive by and check out the HUGE sign in front of Applebees! COOL!
Last thing and then I'm off to bed. Remember my niece Alex. She just completed her junior year in high school and has already enlisted in the US Marine Corp. She was sworn in this afternoon and will leave for Germany on Tuesday for 3 weeks. The Germany trip is unrelated to the USMC, it's for a Foreign Exchange Program...she'll go back to school in the fall, complete her senior year and then head off to boot camp as soon as graduation is over. For a young woman, she is very sure of what she wants to do with her future. I'm very proud of her and amazed at her certainty. Just pray for her as she begins this new journey.
OK, it's been a long weekend and Jenna was up early both days, so I'm ready to hit the sack.