
Book Day

I know I'm so very far behind to be blogging about end of the year school activities...but I want to remember, so better late than never I always say.  :)

Right before school ended, they had Book Day.  The idea was to celebrate reading and books etc.  The kids were supposed to dress up as a character in a book (or their favorite character).  That was no easy task for us, but Jenna finally came up with an idea and I thought we did a pretty good job...


Can you guess who she is?  I would have never in a million years guessed, so I'll be surprised if anyone else guesses.  She was Nim from Nim's Island.  I thought that was a pretty good character to choose and it pretty much guaranteed no one else would be dressed like that!

She had a good day and had a few interesting people come and read to them.  Unfortunately, my plea for famous readers yielded no results.  :(  But it was a good day all in all.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

HI Sandra,

I got your comment on my blog but I don't know how to e-mail you from your profile. I recognize your profile photo from RQ. :-)I will send you a PM there.

Vicki (momto4chinagirls on RQ)