
Awards Day!

I know I'm a bit behind on some of these posts, but I'm trying to go back and get caught up.  Just act like I'm on time!

The last 1/2 day of school was awards day.  I always liked awards day and Jenna certainly looks forward to it.  Mostly she looks forward to getting her Perfect Attendance award.  The girl, she loves school.  And she doesn't want to miss for anything.  With the exception of kindergarten (where she missed 2 days due to us traveling for Steve's surgery that year), she has only missed 1 half day of school and that was because we traveled to see Chase graduate from boot camp.  That's a lot of time to not miss school!  So here she is...getting the beloved Perfect Attendance award!

She also entered a writing contest.  My girl loves to write.  The rules stated the book must be fiction and of course it was written with correct spelling and grammar etc.  Here she is with her story...can you see the title?
It's entitled "A New Life" and that picture on the front is the country of China.  The "fiction" story is about a little girl learning her parents are adopting a sister from China.  And it's all about the excitement she has and how anxious she is to get to travel to China and pick up her little sister.  I will tell you, it was all I could do not to get choked up while reading it.  It really gave me some insight into how Jenna really feels about the adoption.  And if there is any way possible, I need her to travel with me to pick up Kylie.

She didn't get first place, but she was a FINALIST!  Here she is getting recognized as one of the finalists...
They did recognize the kids who made it all the way through the different levels in Math and she got recognized there too.  The fact she is good in math really makes me happy.  Not sure who I'm going to enlist to help her after she gets past division, but I'll find someone!  :)

Finally, all the kids who reached their reading goals for every 9 weeks during the year.  And knowing how she loves to read, my girl was recognized in that category too!  I was so very proud of her!  Jenna is good in school especially reading, writing and math.  Those are her strongest subjects and I hope it stays that way!

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