
30 Days of Thanks - Day 28

Today I'm thankful for my co-workers.

This is a pretty broad category because I have about 2,000 co-workers if you want to get right down to it.  Obviously, several in my department are closer to me than others, but I am thankful for them all.  There are some who I am closer to and that I like better or have more in common with or just simply work better with.  But by and large, I have not encountered anyone who I just can't stand to work with.  And with that big of a company, that's unusual.

It's just my company has an uncanny ability to hire GOOD people.  Most of the ones I work intimately with have the same work ethic as I do.  They don't skip out of work for no reason and they go above and beyond.

And there are a precious few that I just love to pieces.  I love being around them and working with them and would miss them like crazy if they left.  And these folks range from the security guards, maintenance folks, custodial staff (remember sweet Brenda?) all the way to senior executives in the company.

It's a rare occasion where someone can say they love their job, their company, their boss and pretty much everyone they work with. 

But I can.

And so today, I'm thankful.

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