
30 Days of Thanks - Day 14

Today I am thankful for our adoption agency, Lifeline.  They have some of the best social workers in the adoptive world.  I have never worked with anyone like the China program director, Karla, who personally took on our case when we were waiting forever for LOA.

And their in China rep was the one who made the miracle happen of transferring our dossier from our former agency to theirs and then literally within hours finding us Kylie.  If you don't remember the story, you can read more about it here and here, but children are usually not listed on the shared list until they are 6 months old and usually only released once a month.  Kylie was 6 months and 3 days and found smack dab in the middle of 2 months worth of shared lists.  It literally is a miracle that we were matched with her when we were.

So, for the infamous Lily, Karla, Amy and all the other staff at Lifeline that change families' lives every day...

Today I'm thankful.

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