
It Got Us...But Just A Little...

The stomach bug, that is.  Thursday when I dropped Jenna off at school, she said she had a stomach ache.  She'd eaten breakfast, so I thought maybe it was just that she'd eaten too fast and of course, we were on the road and I didn't have anything with me.  I told her when she got in, if it didn't stop, then go to the clinic and ask for Tums.

Well, she made it to 9:15 and had to ask for Tums.  Then about 11:00 she had to go back because her stomach was still hurting.  While in the clinic, she went to the bathroom and got sick.  The nurse took her temp and it was normal, so I thought it was just something she ate.  But because she'd been sick, Steve had to go get her.

He stopped at the pharmacy on the way home to get her some Sprite and she went to the bathroom thinking she'd be sick, but never was.  By the time she got home, she was tired and her stomach was hurting, so she went straight up to bed and slept for like 4 hours.  That is how I knew it wasn't just something she ate.

After she woke up, she was running low grade fever and said her stomach was hurting, but thought it was because she was hungry.  So, she ate a cracker or two and got just a little sick.  She ate a few bites of chicken noodle soup and laid back down on the couch.  I had a business dinner so I got home late and gave her some Junior Advil.  You can give 3, but I gave two.  She looked flush and I could tell she had a fever.  As soon as I gave her the meds, she went back to sleep.  About 30 minutes later, she woke up happy as a lark and talking 90 miles a minute.  Her stomach didn't hurt and her fever was gone, so she ate a juice bar and went to bed.

She made it to 1am and then came to our room saying her stomach was hurting a bit, so I gave her 1 Advil and put her in bed with me.  It took about 30 minutes to kick in but when I got up at 5:30 to go to work she said she felt "perfect".

She was a little tired yesterday but fever free and pain free almost all day.  She ate breakfast and some lunch and a fairly good dinner.  She did nap for an hour or so and took a few Advil in the late afternoon.

I think the stomach bug just got her a smidge, but she is up this morning and besides being tired, seems fine. She has a Christmas dance program at church today so hopefully she'll feel like going.  I'll keep you posted!

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