

On Wednesday nights, I go to a class about parenting with a small group of women from the church.  The group is led by our pastor's wife, Tanya. 

Tanya has 4 kids, one of which she adopted from Nepal (he's been home about a year).  Tanya has the most marvelous ideas on parenting, several of which I have shamelessly copied!

One of the most recent ideas was journals that she keeps for each of her kids.  She has the good sense to start writing them before each child was born (or adopted!).  She sometimes writes several pages, sometimes just a few sentences.  She writes funny or proud moments or just whatever is on her mind about that particular child.

I have a box of things that my mom wrote.  A couple of them were letters she wrote when I went off to Kindergarten etc.  And to look at those now, in her handwriting means THE WORLD to me.  They are all I have left of her. 

I went Friday night and bought 2 journals and began one for Jenna (it's NEVER too late) and one for Kylie.  One day I'll be gone and those journals will be one of the few things my girls have left of me.  If this is something you aren't doing, I'd strongly urge you to consider it.

And so the journey begins...

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