Sad news
The doctors have given her approximately 2 months to live.
I am more deeply grieved than I'm sure I seem on the outside. Having been through this exact scenario with my mother (except she had much treatment that made her must more ill than the cancer), I know some of what to expect. However, despite my outside appearance, my heart is breaking inside. Mary has become like a second mother to me (I've not been vague in expressing my love for the Taylor family). And I can only hope that when I grow older, I can leave behind 1/2 the legacy that she has.
Might I be so bold as to ask you to approach the Throne on behalf of the entire Taylor family over the next few days. We know that the Great Physician could perform a miracle, however, we also know that He is probably most anxious to have this precious saint with him too.
Thank you for your prayers.
The difference
Merry Christmas!
Santa Steve surprised me with a Canon Rebel xsi. I have been coveting this camera since I saw my friend Carrie's when we went to the beach in July. What a surprise! And I have used it all day. I love my man!
Steve got his GPS and loved it. He used it tonight too while we were traveling to and from his family Christmas.
Jenna got her second American Girl doll from Santa. It was a lesser hit than her first doll Kit, but she loves them both. Right now, there's so much to look at and play with, she's having a hard time deciding what to do next.
Micah, Chase and Gage liked all their gifts. I absolutely love buying for them. It's sometimes a challenge, but I feel like I usually do pretty well.
We went to the Taylor Family Christmas today at 2pm. It was a bit depressing because the matriarch (AKA "Grandmother") was missing as she is still in the hospital. But it was still fun. I can't put into words how much I love this family. At Thanksgiving, the women-folk decided not to exchange gifts this year (except for the children) because the economy had been so bad. I have to admit, I was kinda glad, but I was also pretty bummed. However, tonight, just being with them and watching the kids enjoy themselves was more than enough.
At the end, they handed Steve a bag with several envelopes. All together, the envelopes contained nearly $400...a combination from each family represented, to go toward his Diabetic Service Alert Dog. Now, try and convince me anyone is as blessed as me to be part of this family. I love them. I know several of them read my blog. And to you, I say I LOVE YOU. Each and every one. You have become my surrogate family. And the way you love Steve, makes me love you even more.
After leaving there, we all went to the hospital to see Grandmother. She was pretty sick still, but she was glad to see us. We didn't stay long. But it was good to get to see her, for sure. Hopefully 2009 will be better for all of us.
So...all that to say, this was a fabulous Christmas despite the sadness of ailing parents. As soon as I figure out how to load up the pictures from my new camera, I definitely will!
A few of my favorite (Christmas) things..
Christmas is my favorite holiday. As a kid, I loved the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning. As an adult and parent, it's much of the same excitement and anticipation except for a different reason. I confess, I don't sleep well on Christmas Eve because I can't wait for Jenna to wake up and open her gifts! However, I try to make sure that Jenna understands the true Reason for the season. So, without further delay...
My favorite Christmas...
Movie: Modern Day-Love Actually (I've watched this about 3 times this season) Classic-It's a Wonderful Life (love watching this with Steve)
Sweet: Lately I'm favorite my Oreo truffles. I also love all the little finger foods we have.
Song: Hands down, O Holy Night
Tradition: All of them. My favorite tradition growing up was Christmas Eve at our house. Mom always had the whole family over. It was my favorite time spending time with my family. When Mom died, everyone kind of went their separate ways. I really missed it. Tonight, I took part in the second annual Christmas Eve tradition spending it with my surrogate family, the Millsaps. More to come on that fun! I also really, REALLY enjoy Christmas Day night with the Taylor family (I think I've mentioned how much I love that family!) I also love dearly the Christmas Eve service at church.
Gift Received: Anything truly unexpected (and expensive!) The year I was pregnant with Jenna, Steve gave me a diamond double heart necklace in front of all the Taylors and it was so sweet and memorable.
Gift Given: Well, probably the year we gave Micah her car. Her reaction still brings tears to my eyes. For Steve...I don't know...I usually go overboard on him and he's always surprised. That's the best thing though. For Jenna-the Butterscotch pony last year was a real hit.
Meal: I always loved having Christmas breakfast, but not sure that will happen tomorrow. :)
What about you? What are some of your favorite Christmas things?
Merry Christmas Eve...
Christmas with Nana & Poppop
Last Sunday afternoon, we went to have Christmas with my dad and stepmom (Bertie, or affectionately dubbed "Nana" by Jenna!) Daddy isn't well enough to go out anywhere and with the weather being so terribly cold, we can't take the chance of him catching something.
It was a great time. Nana fixed us a yummy lunch and of course, Jenna was chomping at the bit to open gifts. Nana had really outdone herself this year. Given that she's got more than a full time job taking care of Daddy (who needs almost 24/7 care), she went above and beyond.
Daddy was looking good and so I took the opportunity to get several shots of us together. I'm more conscious of doing this now. Bertie even said that with his breathing getting worse, literally by the day, this could very well be his last Christmas with us. It was a depressing thought, but I am so glad that we had this time together. It really made me appreciate it.
Jenna got 9 gifts from Nana and Poppop! And they were all numbered so she knew which ones to open first (I told you Nana outdid herself). The first was a little reindeer craft. The second was a pair of super cute and warm pajamas. But the third gift was the gift of all gifts. Most of you remember in this post, I told you that Jenna asked Santa for an American Girl doll for Christmas. Well, she got her first American Girl doll from Nana. Her name is "Kit". Jenna was smiling from ear to ear. Every gift after that was clothes that Nana made for Kit. Can you tell how excited she was?
Saturday morning, we met the Millsaps at ICE! It's the last year that the Grinch will be there and so we wanted to go again. Here are the girls all bundled up and ready for the bitter cold.
Christmas at School
On Friday, Jenna had her Christmas party at school. They did so many cute things like flower pot reindeer and reindeer food. Here's Jenna and her masterpiece. And then the other picture is Jenna and her best friend Annabelle.
In case you can't read it, her letter to Santa says, "Dear Santa, I have been very, very good this year. I would like an American Girl doll and all I whant to konw (know) is whant is your secrett? How do you get all the gifts for the kids? Love Jenna Grace Taylor" The rest is a partial phone number and address. How cute is that?
Posts to come...
Some of the events you have to look forward to?
*Jenna's Christmas Program
*School Christmas Party
*ICE! with the Millsaps
*Transiberian Orchestra
*Christmas with Nana and Poppop (and Jenna's first American Girl doll!!!)
Trust me, you won't want to miss it. So, check back soon and hopefully I'll have some fun stuff for you to read!
Thursday night when I finally got home!
Our standard pose in the snow.
Our Weekend Activites
Friday, I worked late. Not long, but long enough. When I got home, Steve had chili waiting on me. YUM. I sat around on the couch until about 9:30pm and then decided I wanted to start my weekend activites early.
To back up a little, we recently celebrated 3 years in our current home. As it is with most everyone, when we moved, we did some serious purging. Plus, we doubled our home space, so for the longest, I wondered if/how we would ever fill this house up (right, I hear all of you out there laughing who has been through this before). But anyway, I guess it's taken us about 3 years to not only fill up, but cross the threshold into clutter. Not alot of clutter like at the old house but enough nonetheless. And one of the things I swore to myself is that I would not let it get to that point here. So, an "intervention", if you will, was needed.
The worst offender was Jenna's room and closet. It is a small room and we knew this when we moved in. However, with the bonus room, we figured most of her stuff would land there. Of course, I was wrong. So, at 9:30 on Friday, I started in Jenna's room. After a certain period of time, Jenna went to the bedroom with Steve. I finally fell into bed at 1am, but the room was clean! Sunday I hit the scrapbook room (Jenna's side) and organized all her craft items. We went to TPAC to see Tuna Does Vegas on Saturday afternoon and after we returned, I organized and cleaned out the bonus room. So, I now live in a lot less cluttered home and I'm totally FREE!
On Saturday, we went to get our pictures made with Santa here in the Hill. $10 got us 2 poses one with all of us, one with just Jenna. It was a professional photographer who will email us the pictures and allow us to reproduce them any way we desire. As soon as I have those back, I'll share. However, I do have these to share now....

After that, we went to Target and Kohl's to get Jenna a new winter jacket and myself some gloves and a hat. Saturday night was the first annual Christmas parade in the Hill. We were so excited to be part of it! It was cold to be sure, but the wind wasn't blowing, so that made it pretty tolerable.
Here are a few of my favorite shots...
Anyway, the main reason that I'm posting is to let all of you know what's going on with the job situation. My company made the local newspaper (maybe the TV news too, I'm not sure) because Corporate Headquarters laid off about 200+ people this week. I've gotten several "You OK?" emails, so I thought I'd post here just to let everyone know that yes, I'm OK.
My department did experience several layoffs, but I was not one of those. The layoffs are of course, due to budget cutbacks and a couple of my close co-workers were affected. It's been a tough week emotionally for all of us. And when I say ALL, I mean, everyone in the corporate office. We all knew people that lost their jobs this week and some took it better than others. At any rate, I was able to keep my job, but the cuts will mean lots more work with fewer people, so we are in for a wild ride in 2009.
OK, I'm starting to wind down, so I better get to bed before I catch my second wind.