
He is Risen!

Happy Easter everyone! We are up and have already been to the sunrise service at church. How awesome! The music was fabulous as usual. We sang "He Lives" which is a song my mother absolutely loved. I remember hearing her whistle the tune all the time. I hadn't thought about that song probably since she passed away. It really got to me in a way that other reminders of her haven't in a long time. All I could think about is that she is sitting up there with Jesus celebrating what today means and the sacrifice He made for each of us.

Jenna looked so beautiful in her Easter dress and as always, the Easter bunny was good to her! We are home now and I'm ready for a nap. Steve is playing in the orchestra in all the services this morning, so it will be close to noon before he gets home. I have laundry to fold, put away and iron but other than that, I am just going to relax. I went ahead and bought groceries last night after getting back from Gage's party, so there's not much left to do today. I'll try to upload pictures a little later.

My hope for each of you is that today you know that there is a risen Lord and that He is a God that pursues you. As my pastor, Mike, said today, we do not have to 'come' to God. The Good News is that God has come to us!


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