
OK, so now for what's been going on with us.

Jenna had a pretty exciting weekend....

She's been working on this tooth for a while and was determined to pull it herself (you'll remember that the dentist pulled her first two). She wouldn't let either of us touch it and she was ultra emotional about it. Finally, Saturday morning, she was standing in the hallway while I was putting laundry in the dryer when she started screaming. Apparently, she'd basically closed her lips over her teeth and it just fell out on her tongue. I'm not sure that qualifies as pulling, but at least the tooth was out and that's all that mattered. She left a note for the Tooth Fairy asking for $10. She's didn't get that, but she got $5. But that's the end of the big bucks. She's got too many darn teeth left for $5 each!

As for Steve, he's doing well. I think I mentioned that our fundraising for his diabetic alert dog was almost done. Right before Christmas, we had $1,100 left to raise. For Christmas, rather than exchange Christmas presents, the Taylors surprised us with a rather large donation. We still owed about $700. Right before the burial, Steve's niece announced that her son's grandfather was donating $500. We were then down to needing $200 which we totally could pay ourselves. But then on Sunday, two of our close couple friends (I'm going to call them out here because I know at least one of them reads my blog!)...the Babbs and Heplers gave us a donation for guess how much?! $200! So we are done fundraising!!!! Steve leaves end of June to go train. I'll keep you posted.

Lots of excitement!

Lastly, many of you know that the church we have attended for the past 9 years (next week!) is starting a south campus right here in our neighborhood. They are looking for families to commit to start this campus and Steve and I have been praying about whether this was something God wanted us to do. I have really struggled with this decision because I love our church and even though south campus is still part of our church, I have grown to love the big-ness of the service and the people...and just everything. But then, I had to think that it wasn't a coincidence that God moved us where He did. And I want Jenna to at least have her church close by like I did when I was a young girl. Anyway, after Steve and I discussed it, we have decided we are committing ourselves to the South Campus Initiative. You can read more about this, here. Please pray for us as we start into this new journey. It is going to be hard for me because I'm not real big on change.

I guess that's about it. I'll leave you with this one last thing...my scripture for Beth Moore's LPM blog Memory Challenge is Ephesians 2:8-10 (which was Mary's favorite)...forgive the typos, this is by memory (and was harder than the first one).

"God saved you by His grace when you believed. You can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece (I totally LOVE that part!). He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things He had planned for us long ago" Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT

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