...to pre-1st that is!
Today was our spring parent/teacher conference with Jenna's teacher and as we suspected, she has recommended that Jenna move to pre-1st grade instead of 1st. For those of you who aren't familiar with pre-1st, it is the 1/2 step between Kindergarten and 1st grade. Used to, when you weren't ready to move on to 1st grade, you were held back in Kindergarten for a second year. Or, you might have been pushed on to 1st grade and then struggled up until about 5-6th grade and THEN been held back. Pre-1st is just that extra year before they move on to 1st. As it is, 1st grade NOW, is alot different than 1st grade when I was in school. There's homework, lots of independent work, etc. Ms. Collins, our teacher, feels that Jenna would benefit more in the future if she did pre-1st.
I will admit, I was a little disappointed, because of course, I wanted to believe that her age wasn't a factor and that she was just a little genious. The teacher took care to assure us that she is right on track for her age, but being the 2nd youngest in the class that she was afraid 1st grade would be a real struggle. So, I will not allow my unfounded apprehensions to have her struggle for the next 12 years of school. I am excited to get to know more about the pre-1st curriculum and the teacher at DLES. We'll know more in the next month or so as they gather all the other pre-1st parents.
In other Taylor news, Steve is still contemplating going to Moldova. The deposit money is due on April 1, so he only has a few more days to make the decision. Honestly, if he goes, I have no idea how we'll get enough money to do that too, but I know if it's the right thing, the Lord will provide.
Well, that's about all that's new with us. Stay tuned...

Gage's first doctor visit...

Micah took Gage to his first doctor's appointment today. He now weighs 7lb 2oz which is 2 oz up from what he was when he left the hospital on Friday and 4 oz from the time he was born. This is great news because it means he's getting plenty of milk from Micah which all new moms are worried about! He is 19 inches long, which is 1/2 inch shorter than at birth, but the pediatrician said that many times, the head is swollen at birth from being in the birth canal and it will go back to normal size and it appears they shrink. So, perfect on all accounts there.
He was a tiny bit jaundiced at birth and he remains a little yellow, but the doctor said there was nothing at all to worry about that it would go away with time. Something else to put Micah's mind at ease. No shots today. First ones are in two months and Micah is already dreading it.
Steve, Jenna and I went to spend time with her and Gage yesterday afternoon when we got back from Chattanooga and it was wonderful. Jenna doesn't quite know what to think of him yet. Not sure she knew what to expect. She kept saying at first she was a big sister instead of an aunt and when we got her acclimated to "aunt", she wanted to be an "aunt Rachel", not "aunt Jenna"...so....who knows what she'll come out as. :)
While we were there, I checked Micah's stitches and for the degree of damage, she's healing quite nicely. Her milk is in and Gage is nursing like a champ. You have no idea how proud I am of Micah for making it this far, because nursing is so hard and being her first and everything...she's really doing well. Of course, he's going 3 hours between feedings and the doctor said as long as it doesn't exceed 6 hours at a time and he's still gaining, she's good. She hasn't even broken out the bottles yet! SO PROUD of my girl! He's sweet as pie and I can't wait to see him grow...more on him as time progresses...
As for us, we had a blast in "Chagganooga" as Jenna calls it. However, about 20 miles west on our way home yesterday morning, Steve's truck died. Luckily, I was following in the van, but we had to have the darn thing towed back to the dealership on a Sunday which cost us nearly $500. The bad part was that Steve KNEW something was wrong and had taken it in for a "checkup" last weekend. The dealership said they couldn't find anything wrong with it and the hesitation Steve was feeling was just due to "change in climate". WHAT?!?! Anyway, we had to rent a car so we can get where we need to go and that's another $250 a week. Hopefully we won't need it that long, but you never know. At the moment, we are arguing with Ford over the repairs. I'll keep you posted.
That's about it right now. I got my passport for Thailand today which is AWESOME! I'm starting to make a list of things I need to pick up for the trip. June will be upon me before I know it. Steve's unsure if he's going to Moldova or not especially if we end up paying an arm and leg for the truck repairs. I have no idea about vacation to the beach etc. It's just a wait and see game. I've gotten several more donations for Thailand and to those folks, THANK YOU! I am watching the total get lower and lower and I'm praying that by June it will be gone and I will have little or nothing to pay. More to come on that...
Thanks for all the well wishes for us new grandparents...we are Mimi and ???? Not sure about Steve yet, so if you have ideas...

He was a tiny bit jaundiced at birth and he remains a little yellow, but the doctor said there was nothing at all to worry about that it would go away with time. Something else to put Micah's mind at ease. No shots today. First ones are in two months and Micah is already dreading it.
Steve, Jenna and I went to spend time with her and Gage yesterday afternoon when we got back from Chattanooga and it was wonderful. Jenna doesn't quite know what to think of him yet. Not sure she knew what to expect. She kept saying at first she was a big sister instead of an aunt and when we got her acclimated to "aunt", she wanted to be an "aunt Rachel", not "aunt Jenna"...so....who knows what she'll come out as. :)
While we were there, I checked Micah's stitches and for the degree of damage, she's healing quite nicely. Her milk is in and Gage is nursing like a champ. You have no idea how proud I am of Micah for making it this far, because nursing is so hard and being her first and everything...she's really doing well. Of course, he's going 3 hours between feedings and the doctor said as long as it doesn't exceed 6 hours at a time and he's still gaining, she's good. She hasn't even broken out the bottles yet! SO PROUD of my girl! He's sweet as pie and I can't wait to see him grow...more on him as time progresses...
As for us, we had a blast in "Chagganooga" as Jenna calls it. However, about 20 miles west on our way home yesterday morning, Steve's truck died. Luckily, I was following in the van, but we had to have the darn thing towed back to the dealership on a Sunday which cost us nearly $500. The bad part was that Steve KNEW something was wrong and had taken it in for a "checkup" last weekend. The dealership said they couldn't find anything wrong with it and the hesitation Steve was feeling was just due to "change in climate". WHAT?!?! Anyway, we had to rent a car so we can get where we need to go and that's another $250 a week. Hopefully we won't need it that long, but you never know. At the moment, we are arguing with Ford over the repairs. I'll keep you posted.
That's about it right now. I got my passport for Thailand today which is AWESOME! I'm starting to make a list of things I need to pick up for the trip. June will be upon me before I know it. Steve's unsure if he's going to Moldova or not especially if we end up paying an arm and leg for the truck repairs. I have no idea about vacation to the beach etc. It's just a wait and see game. I've gotten several more donations for Thailand and to those folks, THANK YOU! I am watching the total get lower and lower and I'm praying that by June it will be gone and I will have little or nothing to pay. More to come on that...
Thanks for all the well wishes for us new grandparents...we are Mimi and ???? Not sure about Steve yet, so if you have ideas...

More updates on the baby...
Talked to Micah today and she and Gage spent the night at her mom's last night. She woke up and fed Gage at 1 or 2:00am I think she said. He went back to bed about an hour later and slept until 8:30 when Pam woke her up and she woke him up. Obviously, her milk hasn't come in yet or else she wouldn't be able to sleep that long. But she took advantage of it while she could.
She said that he really hasn't cried much...just grunts and groans. She seems to be doing well with him and says she has hardly gotten to hold him herself between Steven and her mom. But she'll be at home next week while Steven works so she'll have him all to herself and thus embark on the journey of her life.
Gage weighed 6lbs 14oz when they left the hospital so that was really good. He has a doctor's appointment on Monday with him, so we'll see if he's gained his birth weight back by then. I gave her some tips on bathing and feeding him and she sounds like she's been doing it forever. All of a sudden, I'm looking at a grown woman/mother where "Micah" had been. Micah will always be that 10 year old little girl in my eyes, but now I'm forced to see her as the grown woman she is. It's a little disconcerting, but I am so, so proud. I am anxious to see Gage grow, watch his personality emerge and start a relationship with him.
As I write this, we are in the hotel room in Chattanooga resting before dinner. We are going to stay in the hotel and eat tonight so that we can get in bed early so we can get up early and get home. We'll stop by Micah's to spend some quality time with her and Gage. She says she'll stay at her apartment tonight and then go back to her mom's tomorrow during the day. Jenna is really wanting to see the baby and I can't wait to get some good pictures of her and Steve with the baby. I'll post them here as soon as I can.
Well, more tomorrow, hopefully, if I can get the pictures downloaded.
She said that he really hasn't cried much...just grunts and groans. She seems to be doing well with him and says she has hardly gotten to hold him herself between Steven and her mom. But she'll be at home next week while Steven works so she'll have him all to herself and thus embark on the journey of her life.
Gage weighed 6lbs 14oz when they left the hospital so that was really good. He has a doctor's appointment on Monday with him, so we'll see if he's gained his birth weight back by then. I gave her some tips on bathing and feeding him and she sounds like she's been doing it forever. All of a sudden, I'm looking at a grown woman/mother where "Micah" had been. Micah will always be that 10 year old little girl in my eyes, but now I'm forced to see her as the grown woman she is. It's a little disconcerting, but I am so, so proud. I am anxious to see Gage grow, watch his personality emerge and start a relationship with him.
As I write this, we are in the hotel room in Chattanooga resting before dinner. We are going to stay in the hotel and eat tonight so that we can get in bed early so we can get up early and get home. We'll stop by Micah's to spend some quality time with her and Gage. She says she'll stay at her apartment tonight and then go back to her mom's tomorrow during the day. Jenna is really wanting to see the baby and I can't wait to get some good pictures of her and Steve with the baby. I'll post them here as soon as I can.
Well, more tomorrow, hopefully, if I can get the pictures downloaded.
Baby update-day 1
So far, so good...Micah is doing well today. She slept much better last night than the night before. They gave her a pain pill by mouth to take the edge off the pain because she didn't want anything through the IV to make her sleepy. That worked and she kept him in the room until about 1am and then went to bed. They brought him back early this morning and she nursed him (or tried, she said he was zonked) and so she had a pretty good night. She had ordered chicken tenders for lunch and a cheeseburger for dinner, so it's good that she was eating.
Barring any unforeseen complications, she'll be discharged tomorrow and I think she's going to stay at her mom's house this weekend.
I'm posting this from Chattanooga where Jenna and I started our trip just a day later than expected. I have really been pushed and pulled from many directions the past few weeks, so I needed this time away and with Jenna. Poor thing, she's really gotten the short straw with me lately. So, today was our day and then tomorrow Steve will join us and we'll spend the rest of the weekend together. We are hoping to head back on Sunday morning in enough time to visit with Micah and the baby. Today, Jenna and I went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch, walked around downtown Chattanooga and then swam in the indoor pool at the hotel. Now she is chomping at the bit to get dinner. I think we'll eat in the hotel restaraunt and then walk around outside to get some pictures...tomorrow when Steve arrives, we'll do the Aquarium, IMAX and then the Ducks tour (this is a land/river tour in one of those amphibious vehicles...cool!) So far, it's been just what the doctor ordered.
As for my dad, I convinced him yesterday to go to the doctor to see what was giving him such awful nights and the doc thought he had pneumonia (which is extremely dangerous for someone with COPD/emphysema), but luckily, the scans showed only bronchitis which should be easily fixed with antibiotics! PHEW!
Thanks for all your well wishes and blessing for me, Steve, Micah and the baby. We are very excited and I cannot wait to get home to see them both. I think Micah is starting to realize how very much we love her because it's how much she loves little Gage...only a mother can understand that love.
I do have wireless internet in the hotel (and free!), so I will post again...
Signing off as..... "MIMI" (the name Gage will call me)
Barring any unforeseen complications, she'll be discharged tomorrow and I think she's going to stay at her mom's house this weekend.
I'm posting this from Chattanooga where Jenna and I started our trip just a day later than expected. I have really been pushed and pulled from many directions the past few weeks, so I needed this time away and with Jenna. Poor thing, she's really gotten the short straw with me lately. So, today was our day and then tomorrow Steve will join us and we'll spend the rest of the weekend together. We are hoping to head back on Sunday morning in enough time to visit with Micah and the baby. Today, Jenna and I went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch, walked around downtown Chattanooga and then swam in the indoor pool at the hotel. Now she is chomping at the bit to get dinner. I think we'll eat in the hotel restaraunt and then walk around outside to get some pictures...tomorrow when Steve arrives, we'll do the Aquarium, IMAX and then the Ducks tour (this is a land/river tour in one of those amphibious vehicles...cool!) So far, it's been just what the doctor ordered.
As for my dad, I convinced him yesterday to go to the doctor to see what was giving him such awful nights and the doc thought he had pneumonia (which is extremely dangerous for someone with COPD/emphysema), but luckily, the scans showed only bronchitis which should be easily fixed with antibiotics! PHEW!
Thanks for all your well wishes and blessing for me, Steve, Micah and the baby. We are very excited and I cannot wait to get home to see them both. I think Micah is starting to realize how very much we love her because it's how much she loves little Gage...only a mother can understand that love.
I do have wireless internet in the hotel (and free!), so I will post again...
Signing off as..... "MIMI" (the name Gage will call me)
Welcome BABY GAGE!!!!

I am happy to report that Steven Gage Harwell made his arrival today, March 21, 2007 at 4:20pm weighing in at 7lbs even and 19 1/2 inches long!
Micah is doing very well considering. Last night she didn't get much sleep due to the contractions, so they gave her Stadol which helped, but since she was still a tight 1cm this morning, the doctor broke her water around 9am...by 11:30ish, she was hurting, but only at 3cm dilated, so they gave her the epidural and that really took the edge off and allowed her to sleep. They checked again about 1:00 and she was 5-6cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. At 2:30 the nurse checked again and she was fully dilated and effaced, so the pushing began. She was such a trooper, but was really getting tired toward the end. The OB had to cut her and then she tore in addition, so the repair for that was extremely painful and Micah was in a world of hurt. They actually had to stop the repairs and give her more Stadol for pain. That worked, but then she was really out of it for most of her visitors and the baby's first several hours of life.

I left the hospital at 9pm and she'd had her epidural, IV, blood pressure cuff, finger pulse, and catheter removed. She'd taken some pain medicine by mouth, drank about 4 Sprites and had several bites of crackers, red jello and peaches. She even got up to go to the restroom, so she is really doing very well.
The baby is of course, the most beautiful child in the world (right after my Jenna!). He's a good baby so far (but aren't they all in the hospital?!) They are thinking, barring any complications, they'll be able to go home on Friday. Jenna and I are heading out to Chattanooga tomorrow and Steve will join us on Friday morning. We'll be back on Sunday afternoon in time to visit with Micah. If you wonder why you don't see any pictures of Jenna with the baby, it's because they absolutely would NOT let her even on the floor. Steve had to stay with her most of the time because I was with Micah the entire labor. I made it to her right as she was getting the epidural and stayed until tonight. It was just me, her mother and her boyfriend during the labor and delivery and MAN! What a miracle to watch! I've never been able to be part of a birth before and it was unbelievably cool! God is awesome to have created this process! I will always be glad that Micah allowed me to be part of it. And to find myself and Pam coming together despite our differences for the love and support of Micah was another little miracle in and of itself. I could go on and on. And right now, I'm ultimately exhausted, so rather than babble on, I'll attach a few pictures and hit the sack.
The picture of me and Gage is an awful one of me and you can't really see Gage, but you get the point. I took the picture of Micah and Gage right as I left the hospital this evening and then the one of the men are three DIFFERENT generations...baby Gage, then daddy Steven, then the grandads...Steven's dad, Micah's dad, Steve (mine) and then Micah's stepdad, Barry (Pam's husband). I thought that was really an awesome picture. ENJOY!

No baby yet...
I made it through the night and no baby yet. I talked with Micah's mom (Pam) this morning and she said that the night was rough in that they didn't get a lot of sleep. Micah is still having contractions and was given Stadol to take the edge off of the pain. Of course, she is starving because she hasn't had anything to eat in a while. The nurse came and checked her at 4am and she is still only dilated to 1cm and not moving, so it is going to be a long labor I fear. And going this slow, I don't know that they'd give her an epidural for a while. Her OB had a c-section this morning at 7:30, so she was going to come by after that and decide what to do. I'm starting to wonder if they won't break her water and try to get things moving along.
Anyway, I'm off to finish up some things around here, try to find someone to keep Jenna and then off to the hospital to spend most of the day I'd assume. I'll update you when I can.
Anyway, I'm off to finish up some things around here, try to find someone to keep Jenna and then off to the hospital to spend most of the day I'd assume. I'll update you when I can.
We're havin' a BABY!!!!
Yes, it's true...we're havin' a baby!!!
Micah went for her weekly checkup today and her blood pressure was a little high. The OB sent her to the hospital for some blood work mostly to ensure her liver enzymes were OK. The high blood pressure can be a sign of impending toxemia. I had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) when I was pregnant with Jenna, and they induced me two weeks early because of it, although I had the swelling to match. The bloodwork came back and showed everything was fine. She had little to no swelling, but the higher than normal blood pressure was enough for them to decide to keep her and go ahead and induce. She's about 38 1/2 weeks right now, so the best course of action is to induce.
Originally, she was hooked up and found to be having contractions 2 minutes apart, but after a while, they decided those were probably a result of her being a tad bit dehydrated from the vomiting she's had due to the extreme reflux. So, they were going to do the progestin (sp?) gel to soften her cervix, but then couldn't because policy states if you are contracting, they can't give you anything like that. I don't really understand the policy, but it is what it is. So, they upped her IV fluids (yes, the IV was certainly an adventure!) to see if that would cure the dehydration causing the contractions so they could apply the gel. However, the fluid didn't do that, so the doctor on call ordered pitocin at a very low level. Micah is only dilated to 1cm and probably just 50% effaced still, so we have a long way to go. They started the pitocin at 1 (which is where they started mine) and they anticipate not having a delivery until tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening. I don't think they'll let her go past tomorrow night.
Anyway, this does put a slight kink in plans for our trip to Chattanooga, which Jenna doesn't really understand, but if Micah does delivery tomorrow afternoon or evening, I will still head on up to Chattanooga after the birth because she'll be discharged on Friday and will have plenty of help from her mother and her side of the family at this point.
I'll keep you posted as I can. I just got home and it's almost 11pm, so I'm going to grab some soup (which is ready by the way) and then get some zzzzzzz's. I will post just as soon as I can tomorrow to let you know the update. I'm taking my laptop to the hospital, but not sure if they've got a wireless connection. We'll see....maybe I can find a hook up somewhere.
More later...
Micah went for her weekly checkup today and her blood pressure was a little high. The OB sent her to the hospital for some blood work mostly to ensure her liver enzymes were OK. The high blood pressure can be a sign of impending toxemia. I had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) when I was pregnant with Jenna, and they induced me two weeks early because of it, although I had the swelling to match. The bloodwork came back and showed everything was fine. She had little to no swelling, but the higher than normal blood pressure was enough for them to decide to keep her and go ahead and induce. She's about 38 1/2 weeks right now, so the best course of action is to induce.
Originally, she was hooked up and found to be having contractions 2 minutes apart, but after a while, they decided those were probably a result of her being a tad bit dehydrated from the vomiting she's had due to the extreme reflux. So, they were going to do the progestin (sp?) gel to soften her cervix, but then couldn't because policy states if you are contracting, they can't give you anything like that. I don't really understand the policy, but it is what it is. So, they upped her IV fluids (yes, the IV was certainly an adventure!) to see if that would cure the dehydration causing the contractions so they could apply the gel. However, the fluid didn't do that, so the doctor on call ordered pitocin at a very low level. Micah is only dilated to 1cm and probably just 50% effaced still, so we have a long way to go. They started the pitocin at 1 (which is where they started mine) and they anticipate not having a delivery until tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening. I don't think they'll let her go past tomorrow night.
Anyway, this does put a slight kink in plans for our trip to Chattanooga, which Jenna doesn't really understand, but if Micah does delivery tomorrow afternoon or evening, I will still head on up to Chattanooga after the birth because she'll be discharged on Friday and will have plenty of help from her mother and her side of the family at this point.
I'll keep you posted as I can. I just got home and it's almost 11pm, so I'm going to grab some soup (which is ready by the way) and then get some zzzzzzz's. I will post just as soon as I can tomorrow to let you know the update. I'm taking my laptop to the hospital, but not sure if they've got a wireless connection. We'll see....maybe I can find a hook up somewhere.
More later...
News from "the Hill"
Why does it seem that some days I have absolutely nothing to write about and others I have more news than I have space?
Steve has decided to go to Moldova in July on a mission trip with Brentwood Baptist. He's already asked off at work and we have it on the calendar! YAY! Of course, this brings up the idea that I'm going to be a "single mom" for that entire week which has never happened before. I'm always the one traveling and he's always the one left at home to hold down the fort. I'm sure if I thought about it enough, I might get a little bit panicky...but he's going with David Millsap, the husband of lifetime friend Rachel Millsap (formerly Morgan for those of you that go WAY back with me) and so I feel a little better since David's been on a trip before. Plus, their family lives near us now so Rachel and I are already planning a slumber party for the girls (big and little!) for one or two of the nights we'll spend alone. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be hearing much more about that in the coming months.
We most likely will not be traveling to the beach in Jacksonville in August because of Steve's lack of vacation time, however, I'm contemplating taking Jenna down to Gulf Shores, AL for a few days, then traveling back up and visiting with my friend Kylene who is moving to Huntsville in a few weeks. Of course, I'll take the opportunity to visit with my friend Cathy W. while I'm there. We're hoping if this pans out that Steve can again join us that Thursday or Friday for a few days at a water park and maybe visiting the space center...not to mention, I'll be able to see Kylene's new addition again! (Baby Shelby is due April 20th)
Another piece of good news is that Chase had an interview for a medical records tech position at the Frist Clinic in Nashville today. It's an entry level position, but it does get his foot in the door at a clinic affiliated with a healthcare facility since he's wanting to go to school in the fall to be a radiology tech. This assumes he even gets the job. I've pulled as many strings as I can, so the rest is up to the Lord!
This coming Wednesday morning, I'm leaving to take Jenna to Chattanooga. I took off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for her spring break and thought there is no way we'll be able to spend the entire week/end here without getting bored out of our minds, so I decided to take those days off and head there. Steve can't take off that much, so he's going to come up Friday morning. The hotel has a indoor pool which we can do on Wednesday afternoon when we arrive, then we'll try to do the Aquarium and Railroad museum after Steve gets there, but then we have Ruby Falls, Rock City, The Discovery Museum and the Imax until then. I'm really looking forward to the time away with Jenna. I've had lots and lots on my mind lately and I'm needing some time away not to mention some Mommy and me time with my baby girl.
Micah is doing the same. Her next appointment is tomorrow. She's really been struggling with reflux mostly at night, but it's not just normal reflux. It's making her sick to her stomach in more ways than one. She is only able to eat chicken noodle soup and the doctor thinks she might be having some gall bladder trouble. They are going to do an ultrasound on it tomorrow when she goes in. My guess is that absent an immediate danger, they will go ahead and set an induction date for the following week if she hasn't gone on her own by then. (she's due 3/31) She is miserable enough that I wouldn't be surprised if we had to stay close to home this week because of a baby! We'll see and I'll post as soon as I can.
For those of you that have been asking about my Dad, please keep on praying. The latest doctor's visit revealed he has only 22% lung capacity. Should pneumonia strike, it could be very dangerous for him. Needless to say, he's not taking the news too well. They made the mistake of telling him that he is eligible for hospice care now. Of course, he relates this to ALIVE hospice which are the wonderful people who come and care for the terminally ill in their last weeks/months etc. This is a different service for him because obviously, he's not that close to death, but I'm sure that's exactly what it sounded like to him. And having to be dependent on anyone is really a blow to your independence. Anyway, just remember him and of course all of us who have to care for him in some form or fashion.
Steve has an x-ray on his knee later this week...been having some knee pain he's just telling me about and they are thinking it might be a nerve problem.
I've received several checks for my Thailand trip and to each of you generous donors, THANK YOU! I've turned them all in to the church and they are being applied to my account. For those of you that have sent money directly to the church, they'll give me an updated account balance in the next few weeks. I'm really getting excited. Closer to the time of my departure, I'll begin to do a countdown. And then I'll blog and update those 10 prayer partners (you know who you are!) via email!
OK, well, that's enough...we'll keep you posted. I'll try to update everyone tomorrow after I hear from Micah. After that, it'll probably be quiet until we get back from Chattanooga Sunday (unless we are called home earlier!)
Steve has decided to go to Moldova in July on a mission trip with Brentwood Baptist. He's already asked off at work and we have it on the calendar! YAY! Of course, this brings up the idea that I'm going to be a "single mom" for that entire week which has never happened before. I'm always the one traveling and he's always the one left at home to hold down the fort. I'm sure if I thought about it enough, I might get a little bit panicky...but he's going with David Millsap, the husband of lifetime friend Rachel Millsap (formerly Morgan for those of you that go WAY back with me) and so I feel a little better since David's been on a trip before. Plus, their family lives near us now so Rachel and I are already planning a slumber party for the girls (big and little!) for one or two of the nights we'll spend alone. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be hearing much more about that in the coming months.
We most likely will not be traveling to the beach in Jacksonville in August because of Steve's lack of vacation time, however, I'm contemplating taking Jenna down to Gulf Shores, AL for a few days, then traveling back up and visiting with my friend Kylene who is moving to Huntsville in a few weeks. Of course, I'll take the opportunity to visit with my friend Cathy W. while I'm there. We're hoping if this pans out that Steve can again join us that Thursday or Friday for a few days at a water park and maybe visiting the space center...not to mention, I'll be able to see Kylene's new addition again! (Baby Shelby is due April 20th)
Another piece of good news is that Chase had an interview for a medical records tech position at the Frist Clinic in Nashville today. It's an entry level position, but it does get his foot in the door at a clinic affiliated with a healthcare facility since he's wanting to go to school in the fall to be a radiology tech. This assumes he even gets the job. I've pulled as many strings as I can, so the rest is up to the Lord!
This coming Wednesday morning, I'm leaving to take Jenna to Chattanooga. I took off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for her spring break and thought there is no way we'll be able to spend the entire week/end here without getting bored out of our minds, so I decided to take those days off and head there. Steve can't take off that much, so he's going to come up Friday morning. The hotel has a indoor pool which we can do on Wednesday afternoon when we arrive, then we'll try to do the Aquarium and Railroad museum after Steve gets there, but then we have Ruby Falls, Rock City, The Discovery Museum and the Imax until then. I'm really looking forward to the time away with Jenna. I've had lots and lots on my mind lately and I'm needing some time away not to mention some Mommy and me time with my baby girl.
Micah is doing the same. Her next appointment is tomorrow. She's really been struggling with reflux mostly at night, but it's not just normal reflux. It's making her sick to her stomach in more ways than one. She is only able to eat chicken noodle soup and the doctor thinks she might be having some gall bladder trouble. They are going to do an ultrasound on it tomorrow when she goes in. My guess is that absent an immediate danger, they will go ahead and set an induction date for the following week if she hasn't gone on her own by then. (she's due 3/31) She is miserable enough that I wouldn't be surprised if we had to stay close to home this week because of a baby! We'll see and I'll post as soon as I can.
For those of you that have been asking about my Dad, please keep on praying. The latest doctor's visit revealed he has only 22% lung capacity. Should pneumonia strike, it could be very dangerous for him. Needless to say, he's not taking the news too well. They made the mistake of telling him that he is eligible for hospice care now. Of course, he relates this to ALIVE hospice which are the wonderful people who come and care for the terminally ill in their last weeks/months etc. This is a different service for him because obviously, he's not that close to death, but I'm sure that's exactly what it sounded like to him. And having to be dependent on anyone is really a blow to your independence. Anyway, just remember him and of course all of us who have to care for him in some form or fashion.
Steve has an x-ray on his knee later this week...been having some knee pain he's just telling me about and they are thinking it might be a nerve problem.
I've received several checks for my Thailand trip and to each of you generous donors, THANK YOU! I've turned them all in to the church and they are being applied to my account. For those of you that have sent money directly to the church, they'll give me an updated account balance in the next few weeks. I'm really getting excited. Closer to the time of my departure, I'll begin to do a countdown. And then I'll blog and update those 10 prayer partners (you know who you are!) via email!
OK, well, that's enough...we'll keep you posted. I'll try to update everyone tomorrow after I hear from Micah. After that, it'll probably be quiet until we get back from Chattanooga Sunday (unless we are called home earlier!)
Welcome BUTTON!
A Proper Introduction...
Sherri stopped by just now to tell me that Mr. No Name kitty has a name... BUTTON! He's cute as a button and he also has a little white spot on the underside of his neck which reminds some of a button...so I wanted to give a proper introduction to the new member of the family...Button Henry! We can't wait to meet him!
Sherri stopped by just now to tell me that Mr. No Name kitty has a name... BUTTON! He's cute as a button and he also has a little white spot on the underside of his neck which reminds some of a button...so I wanted to give a proper introduction to the new member of the family...Button Henry! We can't wait to meet him!
A loss & new addition
I'm very sad to report that while his owner was out of town on vacation, Bluebell Henry 'BLUE', escaped the confines of his home and was tragically caught in traffic. His owner, Sherri, was able to find enough to identify her beloved pet. Blue wasn't very old and was a sweet, loving cat. We were able to help him when he was still a kitten recently rescued from the shelter. Micah took him to her vet clinic at the time and was able to get him on the road to recovery, so as you can see, we had ties to this sweet cat and he will be missed very, very much by not just us, but Sherri as well. Please remember Sherri as she works through the loss of her furbaby.
Despite the loss, Sherri was able to give another unfortunate kitty a home this week. A beautiful black cat, who has yet to be named, now takes up residence in both Sherri's home and her heart. Right now, a transition continues with incumbent cat Buttercup Henry, but we are certain that "No Name" will find his place in her home too. I'll update you on the name as soon as I find out.
I'm very sad to report that while his owner was out of town on vacation, Bluebell Henry 'BLUE', escaped the confines of his home and was tragically caught in traffic. His owner, Sherri, was able to find enough to identify her beloved pet. Blue wasn't very old and was a sweet, loving cat. We were able to help him when he was still a kitten recently rescued from the shelter. Micah took him to her vet clinic at the time and was able to get him on the road to recovery, so as you can see, we had ties to this sweet cat and he will be missed very, very much by not just us, but Sherri as well. Please remember Sherri as she works through the loss of her furbaby.
Despite the loss, Sherri was able to give another unfortunate kitty a home this week. A beautiful black cat, who has yet to be named, now takes up residence in both Sherri's home and her heart. Right now, a transition continues with incumbent cat Buttercup Henry, but we are certain that "No Name" will find his place in her home too. I'll update you on the name as soon as I find out.
Not much going on this week. I thought I would post earlier in the week, but you all know how the week gets away from you and then it's two weeks and you realize you haven't posted in a while! So, we'll get right to it...
Micah had her doctor's appointment on Wednesday afternoon and it was a huge disappointment to her, I'm sure. NO CHANGE. Still 1 cm dilated, she is 50% effaced and the baby is in position. She gained no weight, BP was unchanged (and normal) and no protein. Baby's heartbeat was about the same as last week too...so literally NO CHANGE! I think she was disappointed because everyone got all excited when they found out she'd already begun to dilate. Now I remember that anticipation and disappointment. They did tell her that they'd induce a week past her due date if she didn't deliver by then. She also asked about not being able to eat and they told her that the baby was just getting to the size where he was squishing all her organs (including her stomach) so when she eats, she takes two or three bites and feels full. They told her to try and graze all day long instead. She's really struggling right now with reflux, so they are trying to get that under control to make her as comfortable as possible through the next few weeks. Thanks to my good friend Danette Morgan for her tips last night. Micah was THRILLED to get some relief!!!
As for my Thailand trip, I've received two more donations bringing my total to three...one from one of my good high school buds and the other from a co-worker (who was extremely generous). I've had a handful of others commit verbally, but I haven't gotten anything yet and if they sent it on to the church, I won't know until I ask for a balance. However, the coolest thing is that an "anonymous donor" donated $200 through the church!!!! WOW!!! I happen to know who that donor was, but since they did want to remain "ANONYMOUS", I'll just say a big THANK YOU here...I know they are checking my blog...LOVE YOU ALL!!!
To put a rather interesting spin on things, Steve is thinking of going on his "own" mission trip to Moldova in July! Moldova is in Eastern Europe between the Ukraine and Romania. If he goes, he'll go to help with a mission called Sweet Sleep started by one of our own members at BBC. They go all over the area building new beds for orphanages. Our good friend David Millsap is going and has invited and encouraged Steve to go...so, we'll see. We might be jugglingg our beach vacation plans a little due to Steve not having much time off, but we will see what comes of it. For all of you prayer warriors out there, I encourage you to pray for Steve as he makes this decision.
As for everything else, mostly it's status quo. I just got over a sinus infection/cold/allergy attack and while my symptoms are all gone, my sinuses still hurt. I love Spring and Fall, but sure wish my allergies would behave! Everyone at work is or has been sick. And if they haven't been, they will be!
Also, one last prayer request...y'all pray for my Dad. Some of you know the issues there and some don't, but he's really not doing well at all. He'll be 80 in July and he's really struggling right now with a myriad of issues. I'd appreciate it if you remember him and my dear, dear stepmother, Bertie. As you can imagine, watching someone you love go through this struggle isn't easy and she has become for all intents and purposes, his primary caregiver which is truly a thankless job.
Well, I'll post more when I know more. Until then....TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Micah had her doctor's appointment on Wednesday afternoon and it was a huge disappointment to her, I'm sure. NO CHANGE. Still 1 cm dilated, she is 50% effaced and the baby is in position. She gained no weight, BP was unchanged (and normal) and no protein. Baby's heartbeat was about the same as last week too...so literally NO CHANGE! I think she was disappointed because everyone got all excited when they found out she'd already begun to dilate. Now I remember that anticipation and disappointment. They did tell her that they'd induce a week past her due date if she didn't deliver by then. She also asked about not being able to eat and they told her that the baby was just getting to the size where he was squishing all her organs (including her stomach) so when she eats, she takes two or three bites and feels full. They told her to try and graze all day long instead. She's really struggling right now with reflux, so they are trying to get that under control to make her as comfortable as possible through the next few weeks. Thanks to my good friend Danette Morgan for her tips last night. Micah was THRILLED to get some relief!!!
As for my Thailand trip, I've received two more donations bringing my total to three...one from one of my good high school buds and the other from a co-worker (who was extremely generous). I've had a handful of others commit verbally, but I haven't gotten anything yet and if they sent it on to the church, I won't know until I ask for a balance. However, the coolest thing is that an "anonymous donor" donated $200 through the church!!!! WOW!!! I happen to know who that donor was, but since they did want to remain "ANONYMOUS", I'll just say a big THANK YOU here...I know they are checking my blog...LOVE YOU ALL!!!
To put a rather interesting spin on things, Steve is thinking of going on his "own" mission trip to Moldova in July! Moldova is in Eastern Europe between the Ukraine and Romania. If he goes, he'll go to help with a mission called Sweet Sleep started by one of our own members at BBC. They go all over the area building new beds for orphanages. Our good friend David Millsap is going and has invited and encouraged Steve to go...so, we'll see. We might be jugglingg our beach vacation plans a little due to Steve not having much time off, but we will see what comes of it. For all of you prayer warriors out there, I encourage you to pray for Steve as he makes this decision.
As for everything else, mostly it's status quo. I just got over a sinus infection/cold/allergy attack and while my symptoms are all gone, my sinuses still hurt. I love Spring and Fall, but sure wish my allergies would behave! Everyone at work is or has been sick. And if they haven't been, they will be!
Also, one last prayer request...y'all pray for my Dad. Some of you know the issues there and some don't, but he's really not doing well at all. He'll be 80 in July and he's really struggling right now with a myriad of issues. I'd appreciate it if you remember him and my dear, dear stepmother, Bertie. As you can imagine, watching someone you love go through this struggle isn't easy and she has become for all intents and purposes, his primary caregiver which is truly a thankless job.
Well, I'll post more when I know more. Until then....TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much exciting news!!!!
There's several exciting things going on right now, so I'll do my best to hit them all...
Micah and baby Gage
Micah just called from her doctor's appointment and said all went well. She has really been sick this past week and 1/2 with a stomach bug of some kind, but is finally on the mend. The doctor said she was already 1 centimeter dilated and the baby was head down and she could feel the head!!! We are almost there!!! Micah said she thinks she's already lost her mucus plug and has had some "period like" cramps. I think we are on our way! She goes back next week and I told her to ask what station she's at and how effaced she is. I also suggested she get on to the hospital and pre-register as well as making sure her cell phone is always fully charged and her bag is packed. I'll keep you posted.
Speaking of babies...Avery Marie Burgess have arrived
Avery Marie is the new baby daughter of my best friend from high school, Amy Smotherman (who is now Burgess)...she was born weighing a hefty 8lbs 7oz. and was 20 inches long. Welcome to the world Avery Marie and congratulations Amy and Mark!!
Thailand update!
Today marks the very first donation I received for my Thailand trip! The donation came from good friend Laura Whitworth who used to work here at HCA. I've had several others acknowledge receipt of my support letter, but this is my first actual donation! SO EXCITING! I can't wait to see how God will provide. On the mission matter, keep Steve in your prayers...he's going to an informational meeting this Sunday regarding a mission trip to Moldova. We'll see how God works in that respect.
Finally, I'm so proud!!!
Here's a story about my dear, sweet Jenna Grace that happened this weekend while I was on a scrapbooking retreat...my little girl is growing up!
As most of you probably know, Steve is diabetic. He was diagnosed at age 8 (juvenile diabetes) and ever since, he's kept it very well under control. He struggles (oddly enough) with LOW blood sugar more often than high blood sugar. Ever so often, he'll have what you might hear referred to as "insulin shock/reaction" where his blood sugar bottoms out. When this happens, he becomes sweaty, spastic (almost like a mini-seizure) and generally unresponsive (this is hard to describe unless you've seen it happen). Anyway, Jenna has been around many times when it's happened and she knows that usually I get him a Coke and a sugar tablet which I have to feed to him because he's not typically in control at this point.
Apparently, Friday afternoon, Steve went into insulin shock (with little warning) at the house. Knowing that she wasn't strong enough to open a Coke for Daddy, Jenna went next door to the neighbor's house, knocked on her door and rang the doorbell until "Ms. Amy" came to the door. She told her that her Daddy was sick and needed "a Coke and a pill". Ms. Amy came right over and called 9-1-1 and got Steve something to drink and by the time the paramedics arrived, Steve was fine again. When asked why Jenna went to Ms. Amy's house (who is a nurse), she said she was going to "Carson's" house, but he lives across the street and she wasn't supposed to cross the road without an adult. :) She said that she told Ms. Amy to call 9-1-1. Amy wasn't sure that Steve was indeed diabetic and Jenna couldn't think of the word to say.
All that to say, I'm just so proud of her for being such a big girl in knowing how to get help and that it was the time to get it. She didn't go across the street or roaming the neighborhood and she didn't even cry. She said her throat felt like it needed to, but she didn't. We have now talked with her about the times it is appropriate to dial 9-1-1 and when it's not and made sure there is an easy-open bottle of OJ and some sugar tablets within her reach should this happen again.
What a big girl my "little girl" is turning into! Next time you see her, give her a big pat on the back...we have continued to praise her for her efforts...
OK, that's all the big news here. Steve's passed 3 kidney stones the past week (OUCH!) and I'm fighting a sinus infection...but we'll survive!
Micah and baby Gage
Micah just called from her doctor's appointment and said all went well. She has really been sick this past week and 1/2 with a stomach bug of some kind, but is finally on the mend. The doctor said she was already 1 centimeter dilated and the baby was head down and she could feel the head!!! We are almost there!!! Micah said she thinks she's already lost her mucus plug and has had some "period like" cramps. I think we are on our way! She goes back next week and I told her to ask what station she's at and how effaced she is. I also suggested she get on to the hospital and pre-register as well as making sure her cell phone is always fully charged and her bag is packed. I'll keep you posted.
Speaking of babies...Avery Marie Burgess have arrived
Avery Marie is the new baby daughter of my best friend from high school, Amy Smotherman (who is now Burgess)...she was born weighing a hefty 8lbs 7oz. and was 20 inches long. Welcome to the world Avery Marie and congratulations Amy and Mark!!
Thailand update!
Today marks the very first donation I received for my Thailand trip! The donation came from good friend Laura Whitworth who used to work here at HCA. I've had several others acknowledge receipt of my support letter, but this is my first actual donation! SO EXCITING! I can't wait to see how God will provide. On the mission matter, keep Steve in your prayers...he's going to an informational meeting this Sunday regarding a mission trip to Moldova. We'll see how God works in that respect.
Finally, I'm so proud!!!
Here's a story about my dear, sweet Jenna Grace that happened this weekend while I was on a scrapbooking retreat...my little girl is growing up!
As most of you probably know, Steve is diabetic. He was diagnosed at age 8 (juvenile diabetes) and ever since, he's kept it very well under control. He struggles (oddly enough) with LOW blood sugar more often than high blood sugar. Ever so often, he'll have what you might hear referred to as "insulin shock/reaction" where his blood sugar bottoms out. When this happens, he becomes sweaty, spastic (almost like a mini-seizure) and generally unresponsive (this is hard to describe unless you've seen it happen). Anyway, Jenna has been around many times when it's happened and she knows that usually I get him a Coke and a sugar tablet which I have to feed to him because he's not typically in control at this point.
Apparently, Friday afternoon, Steve went into insulin shock (with little warning) at the house. Knowing that she wasn't strong enough to open a Coke for Daddy, Jenna went next door to the neighbor's house, knocked on her door and rang the doorbell until "Ms. Amy" came to the door. She told her that her Daddy was sick and needed "a Coke and a pill". Ms. Amy came right over and called 9-1-1 and got Steve something to drink and by the time the paramedics arrived, Steve was fine again. When asked why Jenna went to Ms. Amy's house (who is a nurse), she said she was going to "Carson's" house, but he lives across the street and she wasn't supposed to cross the road without an adult. :) She said that she told Ms. Amy to call 9-1-1. Amy wasn't sure that Steve was indeed diabetic and Jenna couldn't think of the word to say.
All that to say, I'm just so proud of her for being such a big girl in knowing how to get help and that it was the time to get it. She didn't go across the street or roaming the neighborhood and she didn't even cry. She said her throat felt like it needed to, but she didn't. We have now talked with her about the times it is appropriate to dial 9-1-1 and when it's not and made sure there is an easy-open bottle of OJ and some sugar tablets within her reach should this happen again.
What a big girl my "little girl" is turning into! Next time you see her, give her a big pat on the back...we have continued to praise her for her efforts...
OK, that's all the big news here. Steve's passed 3 kidney stones the past week (OUCH!) and I'm fighting a sinus infection...but we'll survive!
Some of you may know our friends from church, Karen & Jeff Hepler. They are dear friends of ours and they also had reversal surgery a while back and were very quickly successful in getting pregnant.
This afternoon, their baby Girl, Hailey Renee Hepler was born. She arrived weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 inches long! I have no further details as of yet, but I am very excited for them and I know Karen and Jeff are so happy to finally meet this miracle they've been waiting on for 9 long months!
Congratulations Karen & Jeff! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILEY!
This afternoon, their baby Girl, Hailey Renee Hepler was born. She arrived weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 inches long! I have no further details as of yet, but I am very excited for them and I know Karen and Jeff are so happy to finally meet this miracle they've been waiting on for 9 long months!
Congratulations Karen & Jeff! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILEY!
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