What do these three things have to do with each other???? Nothing. But since I’m still trying to catch up on what has gone on with us while I was blog-MIA, they have something in common. They all happened in July.
First up, was a good day at the pool with our friends the Davis family. They have a daughter Jenna’s age and “D” works in preschool and is one of Kylie’s favorite people! She used to teach with me also and we had a good partnership going! They have a pool in their neighborhood so invited us over to go swimming on Saturday. We got there as soon as it opened and nearly the whole time we were there, it was EMPTY.

I am fortunate that both my girls love the water. Kylie spent a good portion of the time jumping off the side….and she’s not afraid to go under either!

They even had a kiddie pool which was super warm (because it’s shallow and the sun warms it faster) and Kylie loved it too.

She had the most fun with the hose that was draped in the little pool.

We took a picnic lunch and ate there. We really had a super time.

That evening, we attended a special event and left the girls at home…look at this handsome man I got to hang out with…

We clean up pretty well, don’t we? We were headed to a wedding that I’d been waiting on for a LOOOONNNNGGGG time! My friend Katelyn finally got married!!!! 7/13/13 was the big day!

Y’all it was a beautiful rooftop wedding here in Nashville! I got to have lunch with her the week of the wedding, but we were so crazy that we forgot to take a photo. Steve and I didn’t get to stay too long so there was no opportunity to get a photo at the wedding either. Look at that long hair! I love it! It was just the perfect wedding. And even though she was beyond exhausted, she met me for a quick breakfast Monday morning before heading back home. And this time, we REMEMBERED the pic!

I think she looks pretty darn good after a week of wedding activities! Love her (and miss her like nuts…she’s in Seattle now.
Almost closing out the busy month of July was Kylie’s first dental visit. As a cleft child, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it went about as well as it could have.

That’s how she felt about knowing she was going to the dentist. 

They gave her a little toothbrush and we managed to get her to lay in the chair. They brushed her teeth just a bit and counted. Looks like she has 10 teeth on the top and 10 on the bottom so that’s good! Unfortunately, several of the ones on the top are in the roof of her mouth due to her cleft. And baby tooth aren’t necessarily indicative of how many and where her permanent teeth will show up. We are praying for a full set of adult teeth and in somewhat of the right area. We’ll know more as she gets older but I can guarantee, for what Jenna didn’t cost us in braces (she was blessed with straight teeth), we’ll more than make up for with Kylie.

Jenna got a good report as well. Several loose teeth and no cavities (except some small ones in baby teeth we are hoping will fall out…the teeth, not the cavity!)
We actually went to the dentist the day before we left on vacation, so you know what’s coming next? DA BEACH!!!!