
Health update

Couple of health updates for you...

First of all, thanks for all the prayers for Steve's parents. His mom is still recovering and doing pretty well. Still a long road ahead. Steve's dad remains in the hospital with some hopefully minor complications. Keep them in your prayers...

Also, not on a health note, but on a prayer note, remember my niece in your prayers...I'll call her "G" since this is a public blog...she's embarking on a cross country drive to the west coast. She's only 19 or 20 and I'm sure this my BIL and SIL worried sick. Pray for her and them. The Taylors sure have a lot going on right now.

Finally, ending on a happy note, I had my second weigh in at Weight Watchers today and lost another 2.8lbs bringing me to a grand total of 5 lbs! I was very happy, although trying not to let my day/week be determined by what the scale says every week.

That's about it for now. Will try to keep everyone posted this week.

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