
My Farmer's Favorite!

Each week at school, a "Farmer's Favorite" is selected from each class in each grade. The teacher selects the lucky student based on some very nice work they've done. Once selected, the students are announced during chapel on Thursday, given a little "gift" and basically just made a big deal over. Only 1st-5th grade are eligible, so this is the first year for Jenna Grace.

Must to my surprise and excitement, Jenna Grace got the first Farmer's Favorite this year. The problem is that because the teachers try to honor everyone in the class at least once, it was a long wait after the first one. But then, just two or three weeks ago, she proudly came home displaying the #2 beloved Favorite. We had waited so long that we were VERY excited.

But it gets better...tonight when I got home, she ran down the stairs (in itself the favorite part of my day!) and hands me yet another surprise! Check. It. Out.But I'm not proud. :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Congratulations, Jenna Grace! Super job!