
She’s 12

Oh my word.

How did 12 years pass already?  How did this chunky monkey…

baby jenna

turn into this beautiful young woman????

2013-06-08 12.24.43

12 years ago today, at the moment this post is set to publish, this girl came busting into our lives and they have never been the same.

She has made everything in our lives better.  Somehow her arrival sped up time…and I know in the blink of an eye, I will be posting a photo of her high school graduation.  And that almost makes it hard to breathe.

Jenna is getting close to being as tall as I am.  She is wearing the same size shoes as me and she’s turning into a wonderful young woman.

Jenna is the kind of big sister that a parent only dreams about.  She has experienced things that most people don’t in a lifetime.  I can easily envision Jenna and I being best friends in her adult life. I love her like nuts…

And today as we celebrate everything about her, I can only savor every second of the day today and the days to follow because all too soon, they will be memories.



Christy said...

Happy Birthday to Elery's first friend! Of course, they have only met in real life twice, but I still like to think they were friends before birth! Have a blessed day, Jenna!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post! Happy Birthday!