Oh dear. I know it has been FOREVER since I posted and I honestly have no excuse except that it just hasn’t been a priority. That and I feel like nothing spectacular has been going on. I’m going to try and do better. I know you guys are out there reading…and I know I’m biding time before one of you emails me to find out what’s going on with me and why I’m not posting.
I’ll start out with my sweet Asian baby and what she’s up to (no worries…Jenna’s next!). Kylie talks NON STOP now. Unfortunately, much of it is unintelligible to us. She can parrot back a ton of words, dog, cat, armor (from a Bubble Guppies episode), milk (which is SO cute because she southern-izes it), cheese, Taylor, Mittens, Dada (which sounds like gah gah), Jie Jie (sounds like mimi…what she calls Jenna), Mama of course, is plain as day, nana (banana), help, apple, turtle…and the list goes on.

She can count to ten if you start her off and when she gets to ten, she’ll say “YAYYYYYY!!!!”
She can tell you what sounds a bear, cat, dog, bird, cow, elephant and monkey make. She can identify all of these animals, bugs, leaves, raccoons, and trees when she sees them in a book. From shows she watches on TV, she can tell you she has sand in her eye (Doc McStuffins), say “oh no” and throw her hands up in front of her mouth as she gasps and also can repeat several scenes she has seen.

Y’all she’s just amazing. She’s been home 13 months and has completely caught up developmentally and has caught up some (though not all the way) in her speech. By the end of this month, she will have been with us as long as she has been without us. She is two though and there are some days she doesn’t let us forget it.

She is still sleeping well although a few nights ago she woke up about 11:30pm screaming like I’ve not ever heard her…we both flew out of bed and down the hallway. I got to her first and she was face down in the pillow and screaming bloody murder. I picked her up and held her close and told her “Mommy’s here” over and over. And she was whimpering, “Mama, mama” It was pitiful. When Steve left the room, she would whimper “gah gah, gah gah” and so I took her to him and showed her he was still there. I held her until she was almost back asleep and then put her back in bed. The next day she was no worse for the wear. Other than that, she still typically takes a 1-2 hour nap. On the days she doesn’t, the afternoons and evenings can be dicey.

We haven’t been to the doctor in a while (praise!) so I don’t know how much she’s grown, but 24 month stuff now fits although she remains in a size 4 diaper. Potty-training is on the horizon for us. Her hair has grown pretty long and we love it.

We are just enjoying this girl more every day! She is in general so happy! She will be going to Parent’s Day Out in the fall at a local church in our town and we are SO excited! I just know she will learn so much!
OK, stay tuned friends…more to come!