Just received word that the team arrived in Haiti and are at the orphanage they will be working at now. Please pray for the lives of these Haitian children who have been through so much in their short lives.

Going to Haiti
My dear friend and Bible Study leader, Leigh Ann is going to Haiti. In fact, she is literally on her way right now. When I found out a few weeks ago that she was going, I had, what I would call, a very strong reaction to the news. I wish I could define "strong" for you, but all I can say is that I definitely had some feelings about it. And while I count Leigh Ann as one of my dearest friends, the feelings I was having certainly didn't match up with our relationship.
Finally, out of desperation, I confessed to the Lord and felt like He was asking me to pray for Leigh Ann about this trip. I eventually told her how I was feeling because I knew she probably sensed my hesitation. After some praying and soul searching, I felt that God was most definitely telling me to pray and pray often.
So, that's what I committed to Leigh Ann that I would do. This past Tuesday night after Bible Study, we surrounded her and prayed for her and her family that's still here. Going to Haiti is very scary right now. So many unknowns.
The group left for Haiti at the crack of dawn yesterday morning. They arrived at the DR late yesterday where they slept over. This morning, they were taking a bus (Thailand memories) to PAP. I got a text from her this morning saying they were completely stopped at the border and didn't know how long they'd be there. She asked me to pray.
Let me stop here and tell you just how honored I was to receive that text. I was honored to be asked to pray for my friend. I sent out the call that the team needed prayer and less than an hour later, this text arrived:
"I can't explain to you what happened, but God has literally parted the sea and we're being escorted through. Amazing!!!"
I'm pretty sure I know What happened. :) "...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" (James 5:16b).Though I shouldn't be, I never cease to be amazed at how God directly answers our prayers when we call on Him.
Can I please ask for your prayers for this team of folks going to Haiti? They are all a part of Sweet Sleep which is who Steve went to Moldova with back in 2007. You can follow the team as they travel by visiting the Sweet Sleep blog or Leigh Ann's blog.
Finally, out of desperation, I confessed to the Lord and felt like He was asking me to pray for Leigh Ann about this trip. I eventually told her how I was feeling because I knew she probably sensed my hesitation. After some praying and soul searching, I felt that God was most definitely telling me to pray and pray often.
So, that's what I committed to Leigh Ann that I would do. This past Tuesday night after Bible Study, we surrounded her and prayed for her and her family that's still here. Going to Haiti is very scary right now. So many unknowns.
The group left for Haiti at the crack of dawn yesterday morning. They arrived at the DR late yesterday where they slept over. This morning, they were taking a bus (Thailand memories) to PAP. I got a text from her this morning saying they were completely stopped at the border and didn't know how long they'd be there. She asked me to pray.
Let me stop here and tell you just how honored I was to receive that text. I was honored to be asked to pray for my friend. I sent out the call that the team needed prayer and less than an hour later, this text arrived:
"I can't explain to you what happened, but God has literally parted the sea and we're being escorted through. Amazing!!!"
I'm pretty sure I know What happened. :) "...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" (James 5:16b).Though I shouldn't be, I never cease to be amazed at how God directly answers our prayers when we call on Him.
Can I please ask for your prayers for this team of folks going to Haiti? They are all a part of Sweet Sleep which is who Steve went to Moldova with back in 2007. You can follow the team as they travel by visiting the Sweet Sleep blog or Leigh Ann's blog.
A Friday Off...
Jenna's school is closed today for teacher in-service. Usually on a day like today, Steve and I will figure out some way to go to work (Steve's still working temporarily and part time at the church) and keep Jenna with us. That is, we try not to take off and miss work. Well, with all the snow days lately, Jenna's been spending an awfully lot of "boring" (her words) time with Steve at the church (easier for him to take her there, than me to my work).
Earlier this week we were trying to figure out how we could somehow do a trade off today. It was getting increasingly complicated. And to boot, I have not been feeling well for about 2 weeks. I might have mentioned on FB or a previous post that I've had some pretty serious congestion issues starting 2 weeks ago when I had insomnia. I have been self medicating with everything from Vicks vapo-rub and a hot compress to the Neti-Pot (sinus rinse).
The last few nights I haven't slept well but still been getting up and pushing through at work and our nightly activities. By Wednesday of this week, I'd had enough of the congestion and sinus pain alternating with the constant running and now VERY SORE nose. I was starting to feel bad, so I made an appointment with my doctor for yesterday at 11:30. I stopped all OTC medications until I saw her. And I determined not to leave her office until I had something that would fix me. As luck would have it, I probably went to see her at just the right time. I was diagnosed with a severe sinus infection. She prescribed a steroid pack, a 10-day antibiotic, a nasal spray and additional allergy pill. So, I feel vindicated that something was really wrong with me.
All that to say, I decided yesterday morning while dragging myself of bed at 5:30am that I was just going to take today off. Jenna has been increasingly vocal about how BORING it is at our works and it is not fair to make her spend every single day off work sitting in an office where she has to be quiet and entertain herself (not to mention it is difficult to get work done with her around). So, I just decided to take off. Thankfully the steroid pack has already started working and I am feeling better. I did sleep better last night, but woke up with a POUNDING headache. I took all my meds an a little Advil and the headache is mostly gone now.
Jenna woke up first thing and made us a to-do list (a child after my own heart). We have about 5 more minutes of me blogging and her reading (again, I say, a child after my own heart) and then it's to the bathtub for her and the PC upstairs for me to balance my checkbook. After we finish that, she wants to play a game of Pictureka (if you don't have this game, I HIGHLY recommend it!) and then it's off to start a day full of errands. One of which is to buy all the stuff for her sewing class next Saturday. She is absolutely STOKED about it.
One last thing...I went to the Drugstores Galore workshop last night with Faithful Provisions and can't WAIT to get started at CVS and Walgreens! If you don't follow Kelly at FP, again, something I'd highly recommend. So many great money-savings tips and ideas.
OK, times up...gotta go...
Earlier this week we were trying to figure out how we could somehow do a trade off today. It was getting increasingly complicated. And to boot, I have not been feeling well for about 2 weeks. I might have mentioned on FB or a previous post that I've had some pretty serious congestion issues starting 2 weeks ago when I had insomnia. I have been self medicating with everything from Vicks vapo-rub and a hot compress to the Neti-Pot (sinus rinse).
The last few nights I haven't slept well but still been getting up and pushing through at work and our nightly activities. By Wednesday of this week, I'd had enough of the congestion and sinus pain alternating with the constant running and now VERY SORE nose. I was starting to feel bad, so I made an appointment with my doctor for yesterday at 11:30. I stopped all OTC medications until I saw her. And I determined not to leave her office until I had something that would fix me. As luck would have it, I probably went to see her at just the right time. I was diagnosed with a severe sinus infection. She prescribed a steroid pack, a 10-day antibiotic, a nasal spray and additional allergy pill. So, I feel vindicated that something was really wrong with me.
All that to say, I decided yesterday morning while dragging myself of bed at 5:30am that I was just going to take today off. Jenna has been increasingly vocal about how BORING it is at our works and it is not fair to make her spend every single day off work sitting in an office where she has to be quiet and entertain herself (not to mention it is difficult to get work done with her around). So, I just decided to take off. Thankfully the steroid pack has already started working and I am feeling better. I did sleep better last night, but woke up with a POUNDING headache. I took all my meds an a little Advil and the headache is mostly gone now.
Jenna woke up first thing and made us a to-do list (a child after my own heart). We have about 5 more minutes of me blogging and her reading (again, I say, a child after my own heart) and then it's to the bathtub for her and the PC upstairs for me to balance my checkbook. After we finish that, she wants to play a game of Pictureka (if you don't have this game, I HIGHLY recommend it!) and then it's off to start a day full of errands. One of which is to buy all the stuff for her sewing class next Saturday. She is absolutely STOKED about it.
One last thing...I went to the Drugstores Galore workshop last night with Faithful Provisions and can't WAIT to get started at CVS and Walgreens! If you don't follow Kelly at FP, again, something I'd highly recommend. So many great money-savings tips and ideas.
OK, times up...gotta go...
Happy Valentine's Day!
We've managed to drag out Valentine's Day for about 4 days. Thursday was Jenna's Valentine party at school. When I got there, I saw that Jenna had received pink roses and a balloon from Steve delivered to school. I had NO idea he was sending them. Now tell me that isn't the sweetest.
MY flowers and balloon arrived at work on Friday. Steve never fails to make sure I am the envy of the office on special days. All the ladies talk about my getting flowers. God love him. And for the record, he was supportive enough to NOT get me a bunch of chocolate candy while I'm trying to lose weight (although, I have sampled some of Jenna's box that we bought her).
Last night we had tickets to TPAC to see the Drowsy Chaperone. It wasn't the best show I've seen, but it could have been overshadowed by the fact that I could NOT breathe through pretty much the entire thing. Last Saturday night when I had insomnia, I started getting congested. By Monday I was so stopped up that I went to the clinic at work. They diagnosed me with a sinus infection and gave me a three day antibiotic. By Wednesday, I was feeling considerably better. Then, yesterday morning I woke up completely congested again. And it really made me cranky all stinking day long. By the show last night, both sides were stopped up 100%. I mean, literally, I could not get ANY air through my nose. Swallowing and eating were out of the question. Finally we got home and I felt a little better. But by the time I laid down for bed, I was completely clogged again. I tried Mucinex and nose spray. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep, but I would keep waking myself up choking...from not being able to breathe. Finally, Steve got up, brought me Vicks and a steaming hot rag to try and clear my head up. It worked for about 2 seconds. Finally, he scrounged around and found an Actifed tablet. Actifed is about the only thing that has ever worked on us and sources say it is no longer being made. Anyway, something worked because I woke up feeling a little groggy but way better and most of the day has been fine. I'm not about 85% congested and I've already taken my last Actifed, popped my Mucinex and a Tylenol. I'm not sure what to do other than call the doctor tomorrow and tell her that I'm literally drowning in my own mucous. Yes, I know...TMI.
Today, we all exchanged V-day cards and gifts....and I spent the day working on my coupons and then going to Publix and Kroger. I saved about 39% and 25% respectively. May not sound like much, but I got a TON of groceries and stayed within my budget. I was disappointed that my couponing workshop was canceled yesterday because the gal that does it had H1N1. I still have so much to learn...
I got my sewing machine on Friday. One of my goals for this year is to learn to sew. Or at least start. I got a great machine for really cheap at Overstock.com and yesterday Jenna and I signed up for sewing classes at JoAnns. Jenna is going to a couple Saturday classes...one to make a pillowcase and one to make a "bean buddy". I am doing sewing basics. I can't wait!
I am about to go lay down....hopefully the Actifed will kick in soon and help me breathe. It's getting kind of old...
Hope y'all had a good V-day.
MY flowers and balloon arrived at work on Friday. Steve never fails to make sure I am the envy of the office on special days. All the ladies talk about my getting flowers. God love him. And for the record, he was supportive enough to NOT get me a bunch of chocolate candy while I'm trying to lose weight (although, I have sampled some of Jenna's box that we bought her).
Last night we had tickets to TPAC to see the Drowsy Chaperone. It wasn't the best show I've seen, but it could have been overshadowed by the fact that I could NOT breathe through pretty much the entire thing. Last Saturday night when I had insomnia, I started getting congested. By Monday I was so stopped up that I went to the clinic at work. They diagnosed me with a sinus infection and gave me a three day antibiotic. By Wednesday, I was feeling considerably better. Then, yesterday morning I woke up completely congested again. And it really made me cranky all stinking day long. By the show last night, both sides were stopped up 100%. I mean, literally, I could not get ANY air through my nose. Swallowing and eating were out of the question. Finally we got home and I felt a little better. But by the time I laid down for bed, I was completely clogged again. I tried Mucinex and nose spray. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep, but I would keep waking myself up choking...from not being able to breathe. Finally, Steve got up, brought me Vicks and a steaming hot rag to try and clear my head up. It worked for about 2 seconds. Finally, he scrounged around and found an Actifed tablet. Actifed is about the only thing that has ever worked on us and sources say it is no longer being made. Anyway, something worked because I woke up feeling a little groggy but way better and most of the day has been fine. I'm not about 85% congested and I've already taken my last Actifed, popped my Mucinex and a Tylenol. I'm not sure what to do other than call the doctor tomorrow and tell her that I'm literally drowning in my own mucous. Yes, I know...TMI.
Today, we all exchanged V-day cards and gifts....and I spent the day working on my coupons and then going to Publix and Kroger. I saved about 39% and 25% respectively. May not sound like much, but I got a TON of groceries and stayed within my budget. I was disappointed that my couponing workshop was canceled yesterday because the gal that does it had H1N1. I still have so much to learn...
I got my sewing machine on Friday. One of my goals for this year is to learn to sew. Or at least start. I got a great machine for really cheap at Overstock.com and yesterday Jenna and I signed up for sewing classes at JoAnns. Jenna is going to a couple Saturday classes...one to make a pillowcase and one to make a "bean buddy". I am doing sewing basics. I can't wait!
I am about to go lay down....hopefully the Actifed will kick in soon and help me breathe. It's getting kind of old...
Hope y'all had a good V-day.
Welcome to the World!
Welcome to the world Jackson Dills!!!
My niece Beth and her husband Bob welcomed their sweet bundle of joy into the world this afternoon!
Jackson Dills was 9lbs 7.5oz and 22 1/4 inches long! He's a big boy! We are so excited to have another baby in the Taylor family!
Congratulations Beth and Bob! (and Bob and Deanne!!)
My niece Beth and her husband Bob welcomed their sweet bundle of joy into the world this afternoon!
Jackson Dills was 9lbs 7.5oz and 22 1/4 inches long! He's a big boy! We are so excited to have another baby in the Taylor family!
Congratulations Beth and Bob! (and Bob and Deanne!!)
Camera Bag
Insomnia Blogging
For the first time in forever, I have insomnia. I haven't really slept at all yet. I know it's almost 5am and now I wonder what's the point? I had a diet Coke for dinner at 5:30, but dang...it must have been potent because I haven't even felt the slightest bit tired. I guess I finally got out of bed at 3:30am. I finished up my Bible study, spent some much needed time in the Word, folded some clothes and am now on to internet surfing. I usually never have trouble sleeping. Whatever.
So, what is on my mind at 5am in the morning? Bear with me...there's going to be quite a bit of randomness to this post and who knows whether any of it will make sense. I mean, I feel wide awake, but I'm sure upon reading this tomorrow (today!) it will seem like a bunch of stream of consciousness blogging. :)
Random thought #1: What about all that snow in DC? Did you see where someone had organized a snowball fight online? Like 100 people showed up. Very cool. I know most of you will think I'm crazy nuts, but I hope we get one more good snow. Typically, I can tell when my snow-meter is full and it's not yet. I think if we could get one more good snow...you know...enough to play in, I'd be done and we could move on with Spring.
Random thought #2: I think I'm going to buy a sewing machine very soon. Maybe even when I get done with this post. My mother could sew anything. She could hem pants, make dresses etc. I never thought much of it as a kid or teenager, but now I think it's ultra-cool and wish my Mom had lived long enough for me to learn from her. Bertie is a practical seamstress. I mean, that woman amazes me with the doll clothes she makes. Once upon a time she was going to teach me to sew. But life got in the way and now we live far enough from her that it really wouldn't be convenient seeing as that it's going to take multiple visits to learn. My friend Carrie is probably the craftiest person I know and has got me fixated on having a sewing machine of my own. I inherited a sewing machine from my mother in law, but it was about as old as she was and there's no instruction manual and none that I can find online. JoAnn's has sewing classes and they aren't very expensive. The sewing machine I have my eye on isn't either. A few weeks ago, my friend Katelyn and I made dream boards (think I posted about that here) and a sewing machine was on mine. Who knows...if we have an extra $100 this month, maybe I'll get one.
Random thought #3: The other thing I'm currently obsessed with is saving money with coupons. My friends Darlene and Carrie (there she is again!) turned me on to this and I'm ADDICTED! I have almost always clipped coupons (just like Mom), but I tell you...there are SO many ways to save with just a little bit of legwork. And I don't mean saving $.35, I mean saving BIG. Today (well, I mean, Saturday) I went to Publix and ONLY bought their But One Get One frees (not all of them, just what I'd need) and used coupons on a few things as well...I spent $50 and saved $50! That means, I got $100 worth of groceries for $50. My friend Leda turned me on to Faithful Provisions and I've already signed up to go to 2 of her seminars on couponing and such. I can't wait! With Steve still out of a job, I'm looking forward to seeing just how far I can make our grocery budget stretch.
Random thought #4: I joined Weight Watchers again in January. Well, late January that is. I've lost a grand total of 6 pounds. Now, before you pat me on the back too much, the fact is that I not only gained every pound back that I'd lost in the past, but I'd also put on an additional 10 pounds. That's like 30 pounds in a year. UGH. So, I recommitted and these 6 pounds have come off fairly easily. I know how to eat right. I know how to choose the right foods. I just love food too much. So, I'm back in the saddle. Also on my dreamboard, are the numbers 10, 20, 30 and 46. 46 is the magic number to get me to my goal weight. That's a LOT of weight. YIKERS.
Random thought #5: For over a year now, our family has been training to launch a "south campus" of our church. The time has FINALLY arrived. Tomorrow (oh, yeah, TODAY) we have our soft launch of The Church at Station Hill. Our space is not yet finished so we'll be meeting in the local middle school for a few weeks, but we should be ready to go (I hope!) by the hard launch on February 28. I have never been part of something this awesome before and I am uber-excited. I wonder if maybe this is why I could not sleep? Anyway, if you are in the area and want to come out, you are welcome. We are all very excited.
Random thought #6: I'm starting to get hungry. Well, since this is normally the time I'm rolling out of bed and getting ready for work, I guess so.
Well...I am sure there are more random thoughts from whence these came, but I am going to try and get just a few hours rest before JG gets out of bed. I might even go sleep with her. Seems like when she is in bed with us (not a normal occurrence, but on the rare occasion when one of us leaves early in the morning and she doesn't go with us) she sleeps longer. I might get a couple hours in if I'm lucky. I can hear Steve snoring from down the hall. He has no idea that I've been up all night. And he thinks I snore!
Goodnight! (or Good Morning?!)
So, what is on my mind at 5am in the morning? Bear with me...there's going to be quite a bit of randomness to this post and who knows whether any of it will make sense. I mean, I feel wide awake, but I'm sure upon reading this tomorrow (today!) it will seem like a bunch of stream of consciousness blogging. :)
Random thought #1: What about all that snow in DC? Did you see where someone had organized a snowball fight online? Like 100 people showed up. Very cool. I know most of you will think I'm crazy nuts, but I hope we get one more good snow. Typically, I can tell when my snow-meter is full and it's not yet. I think if we could get one more good snow...you know...enough to play in, I'd be done and we could move on with Spring.
Random thought #2: I think I'm going to buy a sewing machine very soon. Maybe even when I get done with this post. My mother could sew anything. She could hem pants, make dresses etc. I never thought much of it as a kid or teenager, but now I think it's ultra-cool and wish my Mom had lived long enough for me to learn from her. Bertie is a practical seamstress. I mean, that woman amazes me with the doll clothes she makes. Once upon a time she was going to teach me to sew. But life got in the way and now we live far enough from her that it really wouldn't be convenient seeing as that it's going to take multiple visits to learn. My friend Carrie is probably the craftiest person I know and has got me fixated on having a sewing machine of my own. I inherited a sewing machine from my mother in law, but it was about as old as she was and there's no instruction manual and none that I can find online. JoAnn's has sewing classes and they aren't very expensive. The sewing machine I have my eye on isn't either. A few weeks ago, my friend Katelyn and I made dream boards (think I posted about that here) and a sewing machine was on mine. Who knows...if we have an extra $100 this month, maybe I'll get one.
Random thought #3: The other thing I'm currently obsessed with is saving money with coupons. My friends Darlene and Carrie (there she is again!) turned me on to this and I'm ADDICTED! I have almost always clipped coupons (just like Mom), but I tell you...there are SO many ways to save with just a little bit of legwork. And I don't mean saving $.35, I mean saving BIG. Today (well, I mean, Saturday) I went to Publix and ONLY bought their But One Get One frees (not all of them, just what I'd need) and used coupons on a few things as well...I spent $50 and saved $50! That means, I got $100 worth of groceries for $50. My friend Leda turned me on to Faithful Provisions and I've already signed up to go to 2 of her seminars on couponing and such. I can't wait! With Steve still out of a job, I'm looking forward to seeing just how far I can make our grocery budget stretch.
Random thought #4: I joined Weight Watchers again in January. Well, late January that is. I've lost a grand total of 6 pounds. Now, before you pat me on the back too much, the fact is that I not only gained every pound back that I'd lost in the past, but I'd also put on an additional 10 pounds. That's like 30 pounds in a year. UGH. So, I recommitted and these 6 pounds have come off fairly easily. I know how to eat right. I know how to choose the right foods. I just love food too much. So, I'm back in the saddle. Also on my dreamboard, are the numbers 10, 20, 30 and 46. 46 is the magic number to get me to my goal weight. That's a LOT of weight. YIKERS.
Random thought #5: For over a year now, our family has been training to launch a "south campus" of our church. The time has FINALLY arrived. Tomorrow (oh, yeah, TODAY) we have our soft launch of The Church at Station Hill. Our space is not yet finished so we'll be meeting in the local middle school for a few weeks, but we should be ready to go (I hope!) by the hard launch on February 28. I have never been part of something this awesome before and I am uber-excited. I wonder if maybe this is why I could not sleep? Anyway, if you are in the area and want to come out, you are welcome. We are all very excited.
Random thought #6: I'm starting to get hungry. Well, since this is normally the time I'm rolling out of bed and getting ready for work, I guess so.
Well...I am sure there are more random thoughts from whence these came, but I am going to try and get just a few hours rest before JG gets out of bed. I might even go sleep with her. Seems like when she is in bed with us (not a normal occurrence, but on the rare occasion when one of us leaves early in the morning and she doesn't go with us) she sleeps longer. I might get a couple hours in if I'm lucky. I can hear Steve snoring from down the hall. He has no idea that I've been up all night. And he thinks I snore!
Goodnight! (or Good Morning?!)
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