
Health updates on us...

I am finally recovering from a weekend long illness. I tell you, it has been many years (if ever in my recollection) that I have felt this bad. Now, I'll admit, I'm not the best patient, but still...whew! Since Thursday night, my world was a blur. Yesterday afternoon, I just started feeling a little more like myself. I had to drag myself to the 11am Easter service and still was in a fog. By last night, I was starting to feel a little better. Because I literally stayed in the bed all weekend, I could not get out of bed at 5:15am this morning. I dropped Jenna off late, went to work late and then by 4pm, didn't know how much longer I was going to make it. I was just still a little weak. My manager told me to go ahead and beat the traffic home, so I did. Now, I'm just relaxing...

Gage had his check up today. He's 8 lbs, 2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long! A true growing boy! Micah is still nursing and they are both doing so well at it. You know as a new mother, you always worry that they aren't geting enough, but he's growing and the pediatrician was thrilled. Micah was starting to have some pain and was going to start weaning, but the pediatrician noted that Gage did have a touch of thrush which is most likely causing Micah's pain. The doc prescribed her and him some medicine. So, with that, I'm not sure that she's going to switch to formula just yet, but she will start getting him used to it. She has a little cyst on her lower back that has been lanced several time. She was scheduled to have it surgically removed when she discovered she was pregnant and now it's already coming back, so she'll have to go under general anesthesia soon and have it removed once and for all. Anyway, I'll keep you posted on that. His jaundice is completely gone and he goes back on May 21 for his first round of shots.

Besides that, everyone else is doing fine. Like most of the country, the weather here is FREEZING! We actually had snow this weekend. Obviously, not enough to stick, but that's just a taste of how cold it is. So it's really wreaking havoc on our sinuses. That's what I think I had was a severe sinus infection.

Speaking of that, I was scheduled Friday for an annual exam and to get my shots for Thailand. Of course, I woke up feeling awful, but I left the house an HOUR early for the appointment with Micah, Gage and Jenna in tow. (Micah and Gage spent a few days this weekend with us). Because of horrendous traffic (yes, on Good Friday), I signed in at the doctor's 10 minutes late. By the time they logged me in, they told me I was 19 minutes late and would have to reschedule. I thought I was going to cry. I felt so bad and had come all that way to be turned away. All for 19 minutes. They did the chest x-ray, and lab work, but I never got to see the doctor. I literally called them FROM THEIR OWN WAITING ROOM to ask him to call something in. Had I the energy, I probably would have gone ballistic. Lucky for them I was too weak! I can tell you though, I will go back for my shots and I will take my timer which I will set the minute I open the door and I will tell the doctor when I get back. I understand schedule and all that, but just because he went to school a few years more than me DOES NOT MAKE HIS TIME MORE VALUABLE THAN MINE!!! Plus, I was sick and the girls at the front desk could SEE that. I'm not kidding. Once I go back, I WILL take the timer. Now that I'm feeling better, I can get all fired up the way I should have. Steve's going in tomorrow for a review of the MRI of his leg/knee from today and I'm trying to convince him to say something too. We'll see...

OK, that's it from the homefront. Happy belated Easter! THE LORD HAS RISEN INDEED!!!

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