We both have new toys!! As most of you know I am going to Thailand on a mission trip with the church in June of this year. Steve and I wanted an easy way to communicate and so we purchased a laptop computer yesterday with wireless internet ability. The hotel we'll be staying at in Thailand has wireless internet, so we decided to try this. We've been wanting a laptop for a while, but thought we wouldn't get one until our desktop was ready to be replaced. But when we found one for $499 at Best Buy, well...it was a deal we couldn't pass up. And of course, while I was working out the details of my laptop, Steve was picking out his new toy. It's a 42 inch plasma TV. He's been wanting one of those flat screens that hang on the wall, but I finally talked him out of that. Suffice it to say that we've been blessed financially here lately, so we are enjoying it (after tithing of course!)
Work for me has been nuts. We lost a grand total of 13 folks in HR due to the layoff, 3 of which were in benefits where I work. I picked up a good portion of the work of 2 of those that were laid off and it is busy! I'm loving it though. I am working in my old stomping grounds of retirement and then still in health and group benefits, but no longer doing vendor relations/appeals, but liaisoning from a systems standpoint. It's a great opportunity and hey! at least I have a job, so no complaints from me.
Steve's job situation is getting better. At first, he got discouraged, but I truly believe it was Satan trying to steal his joy. Now, things are evening out, he's learning lots every day and he is starting to see the form his new job will take. The new company is a lot slower in getting stuff taken care of than MLSP was, so that really takes some getting used to. It's tough because working at HCA, it's hard to imagine a company surviving that doesn't run like clockwork. But not every business is like HCA and I have to keep that in mind and sometimes have to remind Steve too.
Oh, and another piece of interesting news...I got my hair cut last weekend. Got it cut off.
O-F-F. Off. It's shorter than I've ever had it. I have yet to have someone take a picture. I like it I guess. It's different and I like the ease of washing and styling. But I'm not sure shorter hair is me. I guess we'll see as it grows out. I'd like to have it long enough to pull back by the time Thailand rolls around because it's pretty hot in June there.
Lastly, a big congratulations to my great-nephew, and Jenna Grace's cousin, Garrett. Last Sunday he made a profession of faith! PTL! We don't have a date for his baptism yet, but what a wonderful blessing to watch your child take that step! I am so excited for his mom, day and grandparents! I can't imagine the joy. I just hope that Jenna Grace will follow his lead at some point. I am sure that his baptism will bring lots of questions from Jenna. The only thing she said today was that "he'll get water in his eyes" when I told her he would get baptized!
Well, that's about it for me. Nothing really going on here. Work, home, bed and then start it all over again. I'll keep you posted.

Important update
OK, I am ready to give you all an update regarding what's been going on with us the past few months. As some of you may know, over a year ago, we went through 4 in-vitro cycles in an effort to get a sibling for Jenna. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, those cycles were not successful. At the end, we were both ready to get off the emotional rollercoaster. My body was seeing the effects of the daily shots and my emotions were shot. Since that time, we focused on our family, what we did have and decided what, if anything, we would do. Around...maybe March of last year, we ended up with the name of a surgeon in Arkansas who is a Christian and did vasectomy reversals as part of his "ministry"...meaning, it was done in his office for a very reduced rate. We did a little research and decided to wait until some friends of ours at church went through the procedure themselves. They did and felt that he was very nice and capable. He prayed with them before the surgery etc. and so we made the appointment for July. Well, believe it or not I was the one who got cold feet. I canceled the appointment citing the fact that 3 weeks post-surgery would be our big Disney vacation and I didn't want anything to interfere with that. Then, 3 months later, we found out our friends from church were expecting. So, I made the appointment for September.
September, we went up to Arkansas for a weekend, had the surgery, which to Steve's surprise wasn't as bad as imagined, and came home to wait. They were only successful in reconnecting one side, but the other side was easily reconnected. They told us to "try" for 3 months and if not successful to go in for an analysis which would tell us if the surgery was indeed successful.
Well, we just had that analysis done and the results are in. While technically, the results would indicate a successful surgery, there's not going to be enough there to result in a pregnancy (outside a miracle). I share this with you so that you all know and understand what we've been through. Also, it will help you understand why Jenna will not have any full siblings. We have tried and prayed and cried and this is the hand we've been dealt. I know that if it is in God's will for us to have another child, He can turn those low numbers into a miracle. I am not going on any type of birth control, however, I am not counting days or doing anything to promote conception.
To each of you, I thank you for your support, prayers and friendship with all we've been through. We are not surprised by this news and while it's not exactly what we'd hoped for, we know that God knows what is best for us more than we do and we have to have faith in Him.
I just wanted to share with you and thank you for everything. Other than that, life here is good. There is lots going on and I'll try to update you in the next few days on that. Stay tuned...
September, we went up to Arkansas for a weekend, had the surgery, which to Steve's surprise wasn't as bad as imagined, and came home to wait. They were only successful in reconnecting one side, but the other side was easily reconnected. They told us to "try" for 3 months and if not successful to go in for an analysis which would tell us if the surgery was indeed successful.
Well, we just had that analysis done and the results are in. While technically, the results would indicate a successful surgery, there's not going to be enough there to result in a pregnancy (outside a miracle). I share this with you so that you all know and understand what we've been through. Also, it will help you understand why Jenna will not have any full siblings. We have tried and prayed and cried and this is the hand we've been dealt. I know that if it is in God's will for us to have another child, He can turn those low numbers into a miracle. I am not going on any type of birth control, however, I am not counting days or doing anything to promote conception.
To each of you, I thank you for your support, prayers and friendship with all we've been through. We are not surprised by this news and while it's not exactly what we'd hoped for, we know that God knows what is best for us more than we do and we have to have faith in Him.
I just wanted to share with you and thank you for everything. Other than that, life here is good. There is lots going on and I'll try to update you in the next few days on that. Stay tuned...
Ready for a holiday...
I know, I know, it's only been a week, but I'm ready for MLK day! Seriously! I heard more than one person say last week, "for a short week, this has really been LONG!"...and now we start all over again for a full week, but then another long weekend at the end. YIPPEE!
Steve started his "new" job last week. Actually, he's still finishing up the transition stuff and will be for quite a while I think. He's already worrying about learning to type, work the computer and all the other stuff that goes along with a "desk job".
I am getting excited though because next weekend is the first team meeting of those going to Thailand. My lifetime friend, Rachel, is going too and of course, I didn't find out until after I'd already filled out my application, but I was ecstatic when she told me!
And speaking of going places, we are trying to start planning our family vacation for the summer. Looks like we'll be traveling down to Jacksonville, FL to see my family. They were up here ove the holiday and we had such a good time! Plus the perk of going to see them, is they have a BEACH! I missed my beach this past year with being at Disney, so I was anxious to get back. We'll probably spend some (if not all) the time with them and then a good portion just relaxing on the beach. We'll see.
Well, here goes another week...
Steve started his "new" job last week. Actually, he's still finishing up the transition stuff and will be for quite a while I think. He's already worrying about learning to type, work the computer and all the other stuff that goes along with a "desk job".
I am getting excited though because next weekend is the first team meeting of those going to Thailand. My lifetime friend, Rachel, is going too and of course, I didn't find out until after I'd already filled out my application, but I was ecstatic when she told me!
And speaking of going places, we are trying to start planning our family vacation for the summer. Looks like we'll be traveling down to Jacksonville, FL to see my family. They were up here ove the holiday and we had such a good time! Plus the perk of going to see them, is they have a BEACH! I missed my beach this past year with being at Disney, so I was anxious to get back. We'll probably spend some (if not all) the time with them and then a good portion just relaxing on the beach. We'll see.
Well, here goes another week...
Happy New Year!!!
Wow...2007. I can't hardly believe it! Where do the years go? Of course, isn't that the question we ask EVERY year at this time?
Speaking of things we always do this time of year...it's time for RESOLUTIONS! I'm a big list person, so I usually have a ton of resolutions. And I do well for a few weeks and then like everyone else on the planet, those go by the wayside and by March I can't even remember what they are. This year, I'm making only one resolution and that is to follow through on the things I commit to. I'm bad about starting things and not finishing them (exercising, Bible Study, leadership roles etc.) and so in turn, part of that is knowing when to say "no." I have got to lose weight. My clothes are getting tighter by the day and I can't ignore it any longer. I'm going to get my treadmill tomorrow and I'm going to get it set up and work out some type of exercise schedule. I hope each of you will hold me accountable. But that's not going to be a resolution because I'd just break it anyway...so, I just have to get into a habit of exercising, drinking more water and cutting down on the sweets.
The only news to report is that I am definitely going to Thailand in June. I've put down my deposit and there is a mandatory meeting in two weeks where I'll learn more. I think I might come out of my skin with excitement before then. I'll be sure to keep you updated as to what I learn about this new journey for me.
Here's sending you my best wishes for a happy 2007. I hope it brings all of you everything you've dreamed of!
Speaking of things we always do this time of year...it's time for RESOLUTIONS! I'm a big list person, so I usually have a ton of resolutions. And I do well for a few weeks and then like everyone else on the planet, those go by the wayside and by March I can't even remember what they are. This year, I'm making only one resolution and that is to follow through on the things I commit to. I'm bad about starting things and not finishing them (exercising, Bible Study, leadership roles etc.) and so in turn, part of that is knowing when to say "no." I have got to lose weight. My clothes are getting tighter by the day and I can't ignore it any longer. I'm going to get my treadmill tomorrow and I'm going to get it set up and work out some type of exercise schedule. I hope each of you will hold me accountable. But that's not going to be a resolution because I'd just break it anyway...so, I just have to get into a habit of exercising, drinking more water and cutting down on the sweets.
The only news to report is that I am definitely going to Thailand in June. I've put down my deposit and there is a mandatory meeting in two weeks where I'll learn more. I think I might come out of my skin with excitement before then. I'll be sure to keep you updated as to what I learn about this new journey for me.
Here's sending you my best wishes for a happy 2007. I hope it brings all of you everything you've dreamed of!
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