
15 Years ago...

April 16, 1957 - November 7, 1992

It was late this afternoon when I realized that 15 years ago today, my mother walked down the streets of gold into the arms of her heavenly Father.

It was a Saturday morning and a very chilly one at that. My best friends at the time were Rachel and Kelly who both kept me laughing through my grief. I think that's what helped me survive.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss my mother and wish she were here for me to talk to. But I know she's in a much better place than I could ever imagine.

Love you Mama. Looking forward to seeing you again one day.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

You know I thought your previous post would get me but it was this one. Every time I hear bridge over troubled water I think of your mom. And every time I past the cemetary I think of your mom. She was one of the kindest people I have ever met. And I know you are with me on this one...there's not a Christmas season that doesn't go by that you don't see the "perfect" gift for her. I still do for Brenda.